FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 3. Devilish Roots of HOLOCAUST IN HOLY LAND. 70 % of Exterminated are Children, Women by Netanyahu thanks Western NeoNazis

“All this happened because the Israelites sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them out of Egypt and delivered them from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. But they worshiped other gods and adopted the customs of the peoples whom the Lord had dispossessed of their land to make room for the Israelites, and also the customs introduced by the kings of Israel.”
Holy Bible – Second Book of KINGS (2 Kings 17:7)
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
All artilces in Italian linked below can be read in English thanks to machine translation available clincking on the flags (top left)
“The United Nations Office for Human Rights (OHCHR) said Friday that nearly 70 percent of verified victims in the Gaza war are women and children and condemned what it called a systematic violation of fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.”
“The UN tally covers the first seven months of the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which began more than a year ago. The 8,119 confirmed deaths by the UN Human Rights Office over this seven-month period are significantly lower than the Palestinian health authorities’ death toll of over 43,000 for the entire 13-month conflict.”
Netherlands Attack: Mossad False Flag to Raise Anti-Semitic Alarm?
This story was reported by mainstream media around the world yesterday, Friday, November 8, with considerably less coverage than a handful of Israeli hooligans (10 slightly injured) who were beaten by pro-Palestinian patrols after some Maccabi fans, in Amsterdam for the game against Ajax, tore down Palestinian flags from public buildings.
Obviously, it cannot be ruled out a priori that the violent and unjustified attack in Holland was not a shameful anti-Semitic act but may have been organized as a FALSE FLAG by Islamic terrorists recruited by the powerful Israeli counter-espionage MOSSAD which, according to a former CIA agent, played a significant role in the Hamas attacks and especially in the attack of October 7, 2023.
Also for the singular historical recurrence with the Kristallnacht of the Nazi pogroms immediately artfully evoked by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to relaunch the anti-Semitic alarm.
The disproportion of the media analysis between the two events is such that it has transformed the genocides committed by the Israeli Army of the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu into a phenomenon of diabolical cruelty.
Genocides in the Holy Land: a Demonic Holocaust of Historical Significance
The current DEVILISH HOLOCAUST is no longer just war, geopolitical and social but of historical significance because, as when there was the legitimization of abortion contrary to every Christian principle and human dignity, it has created some distinct and polarized factions in the world:
- the supporters of the implicit legitimacy of genocide actually support the strategy of reprisals of the SS during the Shoah that authorizes Israel to exterminate 10, 100, 1000 children in order to eliminate without trial 1 ALLEGED terrorist suspected of an attack
- the resolute protesters of these wretched and satanic war crimes and violations of human rights
- the diplomats who fill their mouths with formal condemnations in words but do not perform any peremptory act (like the UN)
- and the usual indifferent people who only have to fill their bellies until the next health dictatorship that will force them to inject themselves with poisonous drugs experimental vaccines to be idiot subjects and good unpaid human guinea pigs in the transhumanist tests of Masonic scientism that inspires Big Pharma
This is why from today, barring exceptional episodes, we will no longer report on the daily massacres carried out by Netanyahu thanks to the support and weapons of the USA, NATO and the EU, but we will analyze them periodically in this cycle “Freemasonry & Zionism” a historical, anthropological, cultural and religious key.
NATO, EU and Italy’s Military Support for Nazi-Zionist Dictatorships
The ferocious paradox that has brought political hypocrisy to its hyperbole is that the same Western impostor rulers and media who tear their clothes to denounce even the smallest episodes of anti-Semitism are the same ones who are imposing increasingly despotic oligarchic democracies, emulating Nazi culture with even evident traces of explicit military support for every form of neo-Nazism, as is happening in the Ukraine of President Volodymyr Zelesnky, the first example of a ruthless statesman inspired by a Nazi-Zionist dictatorship.
As we have illustrated in our previous investigations, it is in reality a new Zio-Nazi totalitarian dictatorship as it is based on the right to usurp national sovereignty as Freemasonry did in previous centuries with the bloody French and Bolshevik Revolutions but even more with the attack on the Papal State in Italy.
The Repudiation of Biblical Precepts by the Zionists created by Freemasonry
All this, as we have highlighted in the incipit with the biblical quote, arises from the history of Israel itself which was the CHOSEN PEOPLE as long as it observed the alliance with the God of Noah, Sem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Moses and David (…) obeying his commandments which placed among the first precepts DO NOT KILL according to the merciful logic of Yahweh who advised anyone to kill Cain even though he had killed his brother Abel.
In the Books of the KINGS of the Old Testament, both of the Christian Bible and of the Jewish Torah, the deportations and massacres of the Semitic Israelites are narrated because of the religious and human misdeeds committed by dozens of their Kings with the complicity of their subjects.
It is the clear proof that even a CHOSEN PEOPLE BLESSED BY GOD, then condemned to the diaspora that many Orthodox Jews accept, could and can still repeatedly and deliberately deviate towards the eternal human frailty of serious and even diabolical sins.
The clear proof of the surreptitious and vacuous evocation of forms of anti-Semitism against the current Israelis consists precisely in the fact that the first ones who cannot be identified as authentic Semites (in a historical and profound sense of religious ethnicity) are precisely them, being children of the satanic geopolitical birth between the Rothschild Freemasonry, the independent American Jewish lodge B’nai B’rith and the Zionist Political Movement.
If instead the term Semite is understood in a broad, simply ethnic sense, even Muslims, being Abrahamic populations, are to be considered Semites and therefore, paradoxically, today victims of anti-Semitism…
The Birth of B’nai B’rith without the Mention of the Torah
A very interesting article published last year in the Italian Zionist newspaper Bet Magazine Mosaico by Marina Gersony in a few lines summarizes the deliberately secular matrix of the B’nai B’rith lodge founded in 1943 in the Lower East Side of New York City by Henry Jones who immediately understood the importance of uniting the American Jewish community during those years.
«This community was predominantly made up of Ashkenazim from Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe, a minority of Sephardim originating from the Mediterranean (such as Spain and Portugal) and Mizrahim from the Middle East and North Africa. The constant increase in the number of emigrants required an organization that would take care of their accommodation and sustenance. While the synagogue, increasingly divided by internal disputes, could not face this challenge, Jones realized that the Lodge could intervene and reunite what religious controversies had divided».
«Thus B’nai B’rith was born, during the presidency of John Tyler, an institution intended to educate and guide American Jews. Jones was convinced that Jews should be a beacon for all humanity, an example of faith and solidarity. The organization had a dual purpose: on the one hand, it had to preserve Jewish identity, protecting it from secularization and the loss of roots; on the other, it had to prevent theological disputes from leading to divisions within the community».
This is what we can read on Bet Magazine Mosaico which certifies the totally secularist matrix of the lodge in perfect harmony with the Deist culture of the hooded British who venerate the Great Architect of the Universe in order to welcome into their temples Protestants (the founders), Catholics (despite the papal excommunications to Freemasonry), Muslims, Hindus and Zionist Jews.
FREEMASONRY & VATICAN – 2. Cardinals, Bishops kneeling before Satan at the Masonic Summit in Italy
«B’nai B’rith rose above political differences and Jewish religious currents, fostering unity among Jews. It thus became the center of all matters relating to American Jewry and the meeting place for Orthodox and liberal Jews. Although Jewish, the charter they wrote made no mention of G-d, synagogue, Torah, or Talmud. Rather, its motto was “Charity, Brotherly Love, and Harmony” (Wohltätigkeit, Bruderliebe und Eintracht), its mission was “to unite the Israelites” to promote common interests including educational and philanthropic activities»
From here they flowed the Zionist Lobbies which are in fact POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURES that have nothing authentically ethnic or religious so much so as to support the thesis of some historians according to which the Nazi Adolf Hilter was in reality an Ashkenazi (descendant of the Khazars exiled in Europe after converting to Judaism) financed by the Rockefellers precisely to cause the SHOAH and justify the birth of the State of Israel.
We reserve the right to provide evidence of this in a historical investigation in which we will prove that Nazism itself was created by Freemasonry just like Communism…
Well said the Jewish American Senator Bernies Sanders stating that contesting the ZIONIST GENOCIDES IN PALESTINE cannot be considered anti-Semitism.
Given the delicate issue, I remember that I am first an honored Christian and proud of my Judeo-Semitic cultural-religious roots, but I consider any non-violent criticism of anti-Zionism a legitimate expression of contestation and opposition to an extremist political movement: comparable to anti-fascism and anti-communism.
A concept clearly reiterated by the most Orthodox Jews in recent occasions of tension in the Holy Land since far back in 2021.
Israeli Suprematism Protected by Western Rulers
In the blatantly supremacist attitude of today’s Israeli culture, flaunted by Netanyahu and protected over time by rulers such as Trump, Biden, Mattarella, Meloni, Von der Leyen etc., the reenactment of the condemnation of anti-Semitism appears absolutely instrumental since their ideology is instead based on the philosophical idolatry of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Superman (Ubermensch), implicitly pregnant with the utopian perfection of the human being without redemption in God (and then Jesus Christ), which gave birth to today’s NAZI-ZIONISM.
Thanks to this motivation, Netanyahu is legitimized by the West to depopulate the Gaza Strip (also for relevant although secondary economic reasons on the Marine Gaza gas field), to confine Palestinian children and mothers in refugee camps that, with the systematic unjustified and unjustifiable bombings, are then transformed into extermination camps much worse than the Auschwitz concentration camp.
For the simple fact that the Nazi regime at least flaunted its dictatorial and genocidal imprint without hesitation, while the Israeli Nazi-Zionist one cloaks it behind the hypocritical justification of a right to self-defense from terrorism.
“It is as if Italy had bombed Sicily to fight Cosa Nostra mobsters” a former Italian Interpol official, Antonio Evangelista, rightly pointed out since the first massacres of children in Palestine.
The evil intention of the Israeli regime is also confirmed by the attacks on the West Bank, which is not controlled by Hamas terrorists but by the Palestinian National Authority whose international legal legitimacy as the State of Palestine has been recognized by the UN, but also on Lebanon, which is 34% populated by Christians, who have nothing to do with the Shiite Islamic political party Hezbollah (which was also legally elected to the Lebanese national assembly) and its paramilitary brigade.
Unfortunately, the strategy of massacre is the one strongly desired by NATO which, from the Balkans (where Anglo-American intelligence sent jihadist extremists recruited as mercenaries to trigger an atrocious conflict), to the Arab Springs implemented with the arming of Islamic terrorist groups and the 2014 coup in Ukraine with the training of neoNazi gangs by the American counterintelligence CIA, has now adopted the NEW WEAPON OF GENOCIDE as a military strategy of geopolitical control.
These horrendous complicities of the West in the war crimes of Netanyahu’s holocaust in the Holy Land are supported not only by the request for his arrest by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which is still mysteriously pending despite a recent request from the prosecutor in September, but also by the complaint for complicity in genocide filed by a Geneva NGO against the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen.
UN OHCHR: “Systematic Violation of Human Rights”
Having analyzed these tragic socio-political infamies of which Italy is one of the main accomplices, let’s see in extreme synthesis the latest acts of this demonic plan.
“According to the United Nations Office for Human Rights (OCHR), the division of the victims of Gaza based on age and sex confirms the Palestinian assertion according to which women and children represent a large part of the victims of the war” reports with little emphasis Italian national network RAI News.
This finding indicates “a systematic violation of fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, including distinction and proportionality,” the UN Human Rights Office said in a statement accompanying the 32-page report.
“It is essential that allegations of serious violations of international law be assessed by credible and impartial judicial bodies and that, in the meantime, all relevant information and evidence be collected and preserved,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk. Israel did not immediately comment on the report’s findings.
Thousands of Civilian Casualties in Lebanon too
The Lebanese Health Ministry said 15 people were killed and 69 injured yesterday in air strikes launched by the Israeli army, bringing the total toll in the last year of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah to 3,117 dead and 13,888 injured. A quarter of them are women and children.
The Ministry of Health added that 2,242 men, 617 women and 192 children have been killed in the past year. In the health sector, the ministry said that since October 8, 2023, 180 health workers have been killed, 306 injured and 244 medical vehicles damaged. In addition, 87 medical and outpatient centers and 65 hospitals have been hit.
Lebanese Christian Bishops: “Stop the Aggression”
Enough with the aggression, let peace return and let people who have been tormented for too long regain their dignity. All this is in the appeal that the bishops of the Maronite Church have made to the world from their meeting in Bkerké, a town on the Lebanese bay of Jounieh. It is the second SOS launched in a few weeks.
Christians Maronite Bishops blamed Israeli Aggression in Lebanon
Together with their Patriarch Béchara Raï, the bishops of Lebanon have placed the ongoing conflict in Gaza and in their country at the center of their monthly meeting, asking the international community to work for “an immediate ceasefire” and for the implementation of UN resolution 1701, which allows “the return of displaced persons to their homes and put an end to Israeli aggressions that violate the national sovereignty of Lebanon” – a request that came in a united way from various religious leaders of the country.
“The Maronite bishops expressed various reasons for gratitude to the Pope for his constant closeness and in particular for the canonization of the “martyrs of Damascus” last October 20. But also to French President Macron, who decided to convene an international conference in support of Lebanon,” writes Vatican News.
Appreciation was also addressed to the Lebanese for welcoming displaced persons “with dignity,” with the hope that the structures dedicated to supporting those forced to flee will be strengthened, “in collaboration with local authorities and security organizations.”
More Israeli Army Attacks on Italian Peacekeeper of the UNIFIL Mission
“Since September 30, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) has repeatedly asked the peacekeeping forces to leave their positions near the Blue Line ‘for their safety'” wrote in a statement UNIFIL; the contingent of UN blue helmets where the soldiers of the Sassari Brigade of the Italian Army are also deployed in conditions of extreme difficulty.
“We again remind the IDF and all actors – reads the statement also posted on X – of their obligation to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and property and to respect the inviolability of UN premises at all times. Yesterday’s incident, like seven other similar incidents, is not a matter of peacekeeping forces being caught in the crossfire, but of deliberate and direct actions by the IDF”.
“We also note with concern the destruction and removal this week of two of the blue barrels marking the UN-delineated withdrawal line between Lebanon and Israel (the Blue Line). Peacekeepers directly observed the IDF remove one. Despite the unacceptable pressure exerted on the mission through various channels, the peacekeepers will continue to carry out our mandatory monitoring and reporting duties under resolution 1701”
Western Rulers Complicit with Luciferian Netanyahu Ready for Hell
As we have previously written, Netanyahu is a Mephistophelian and Luciferian criminal of such diabolical malice that he is also shooting in the face to Italy that arms him.
This is why anyone, from Washington to London, from Bruxelles to Rome, Western rulers who do not openly condemn him is his obvious accomplice, good only for burning in Gehenna,if they not repent in time of his complicity in war crimes.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
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