Three years have passed since our first article published on February 14, 2021, that is, two months after the release of the first mRNA Covid gene serum from Pfizer-Biontech, in relation to the very serious adverse reactions of these experimental gene therapies called vaccines.
Now there are hundreds of medical researches on their dangerousness…
Today we have decided to summarize the most important ones in the links below…
Doctors in Canada EUTHANIZE Man With Disabling COVID Vaccine Injury and Mental Illness
New Study Finds Covid-Vaccinated Kids Face ELEVATED CANCER RISK, Immune System Damage
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Big Pharma Identified in Biblical Prophecies
If my understanding of biblical prophecies is correct, certain prophecies were closed and sealed until our day and age: “the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end” (Daniel 12:9). One of those words is the Greek word Pharmakia. It is found in numerous New Testament passages (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21; 18:23; 21:8, 22:15). IMO, for this word to be translated and understood correctly it has to be translated and understood in the light of present-day events and conditions. Pharmakia has several different possible translations which depend on the context. It can refer to psychedelic divination by the use of drugs (“sorceries”), but it can also refer to the act of poisoning. The vast majority of translations have translated it as “sorceries,” or the use of psychedelic drugs as a form of divination. But given the incredible poisoning of untold numbers through “vaccines,” it could and it should also be translated as the act of poisoning, as it has been in the Ferrar Fenton translation. See Fenton’s translation of the passages cited above. Here is one example.
“But as for the cowardly, and faithless, and depraved, and murderers, and fornicators, and poisoners, and idolaters, and all liars–their lot is in the lake burning with Divine fire: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8, Ferrar Fenton).
Nice suggestion…