SCANDALOUS JUSTICE ON PFIZER-GATE! Liege court Reject Lawsuit vs Von der Leyen after European Prosecutor suggested EC President Immune to Corruption charges

SCANDALOUS JUSTICE ON PFIZER-GATE! Liege court Reject Lawsuit vs Von der Leyen after European Prosecutor suggested EC President Immune to Corruption charges


by Gospa News Editorial Staff


On the cover image EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen embraces Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla


Belgian Court Rejects Killer Vaccine Lawsuit

«A Belgian court has dismissed a lawsuit against EU chief Ursula von der Leyen over the transparency of COVID-19 vaccine purchases worth 35 billion euro, the court said in a statement» TASS Russian News SAgency has reported.

The court said it had “turned down the lawsuit, filed by Frederic Baldan.” “The decision also applies to other parties that joined the lawsuit,” the court said in a statement.

This comes as 14 U.S. attorneys general have challenged the former Biden administration’s handling of thousands of lawsuits seeking compensation for vaccine recipients harmed by mRNA Covid vaccines…

“US Govt favored BIG PHARMA over Health of HARMED seriously by Covid Vaccine”. 14 ATTORNEYS GENERAL blame Biden Administration



The court of the Belgian city of Liege will hold a session to consider whether President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen has legal immunity against charges on corruption when procuring COVID-19 vaccines to the amount over 35 bln euro, Frederic Baldan, the plaintiff, told TASS.

“The court hearing on January 6 will be held upon an address of the EU office of prosecutor that should investigate acts of corruption in EU institutions but which is de facto acting to defend von der Leyen now. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office sent an address to the court, stating that von der Leyen has the immunity against court prosecution on charges of corruption when buying COVID-19 vaccines that did not pass clinical trials,” Baldan said.

European Prosecutors (EPPO) investigating EU Vaccine Deal after Chat between Von der Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO. And Gates’ NGO Lobbying

He expressed confidence that the EC President cannot have such immunity because she was “far beyond her authority.”

Von der Leyen is charged with entering into a procurement contract for vaccines with trials not yet completed via SMS correspondence with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla without prior agreement with EU countries.

Pfizergate: What is EC Chief Von Der Leyen Accused of?

In 2022, US media reported that von der Leyen had communicated with Albert Bourla, chief executive of the US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, about clinching a long-term contract to purchase 1.8 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines worth €35 billion ($37.6 billion), even before they passed clinical trials.

Negotiations on the deal were conducted informally in late 2020 via SMS messages and without prior consent of EU member states.

PNRR ITALIA: €320 MILIONI “DIROTTATI” DA GATES ALLE BIG PHARMA. Ricerche su Vaccini mRNA nell’Ateneo di Crisanti (PD) con Pfizer, AstraZeneca e la Farmaceutica del Marito di Von Der Leyen

The European Commission President also texted her husband, Heiko von der Leyen, who serves as the medical director at Orgenesis, a company that collaborates with Pfizer. All the messages were then accidentally deleted, Ursula von der Leyen claimed.

The New York Times described the European Commission President’s COVID vaccine deal with the Pfizer CEO as “a striking alignment of political survival and corporate hustle.”





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