“US Govt favored BIG PHARMA over Health of HARMED seriously by Covid Vaccine”. 14 ATTORNEYS GENERAL blame Biden Administration

“US Govt favored BIG PHARMA over Health of HARMED seriously by Covid Vaccine”. 14 ATTORNEYS GENERAL blame Biden Administration


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«When some of these individuals were injured by the COVID-19 vaccine, they found that the federal government favored manufacturers over their health. In addition to providing manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna billions of dollars, the federal government also gave these companies effective blanket immunity for harms caused by their products».

«As attorneys general, we are seriously concerned about the lack of transparency and due process afforded by the CICP, as well as the substantial roadblocks claimants face in obtaining relief».

In these two short sentences there is the meaning of a long letter by 14 US Attorneys General sent in the latest weeks to the Xavier Becerra Secretary Department of Health and Human Services, Carole Johnson, Administrator, Health Resources & Services Administration but also to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Nominee, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The letter signed by 14 US Attorneys General – link in the sources at the bottom f the article

Is signed by Sean D. Reyes Utah Attorney General, Kris W. Kobach Kansas AG, Tim Griffin Arkansas AG, Raúl Labrador Idaho AG, Todd Rokita Indiana AG, Liz Murrill Louisiana AG, Lynn Fitch Mississippi AG, Austin Knudsen Montana AG, Mike Hilgers Nebraska AG, Drew Wrigley North Dakota AG, Gentner Drummond Oklahoma AG, Alan Wilson South Carolina AG, Marty J. Jackley South Dakota AG, Ken Paxton Texas AG.

CLASH OF THE TITANS to SHARE the LOOT ON COVID VACCINES with GATES. Legal Actions by GSK (led by Microsoft manager) vs Moderna and Pfizer on mRNA Patents

AGs: “Serious Concerns with how Individuals harmed by COVID-19 vaccines are being treated by Govt”

«We write to express our serious concerns with how individuals harmed by COVID-19 vaccines are being treated by the federal government. We seek answers to questions about the administration of the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). During the height of the pandemic, many Americans wanted “to do their part” by participating in vaccine trials or getting vaccinated. The federal government gave COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers more than $30 billion in taxpayer funds to develop and sell COVID-19 vaccines, and spent billions more promoting these products to the public. The federal government both encouraged,3 and in many cases, mandated vaccination».

The the AGs blamed govenrment because favored the Big Pharma manufaturers over the health of American citizens damaged by Covid Vaccines.

The document is an urgent appeal to intervene to help the damaged vaccinated but also appears as a warning of possible legal actions against the government bodies responsible for their protection…

FOUR other US STATES in Lawsuits vs “BIDEN’s VACCINE (Pfizer)”. None against the PENTAGON-FAUCI’s One (Moderna)

Some of this Attorneys General have followed Kansas’s lead by filing large-scale lawsuits against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer in which these states alleged that «the company misled the public regarding the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine».

Citizens Injured by COVID-19 vaccines have only to file a claim with the CICP

«The injured individuals, on the other hand, each experienced some form of health complications that were diagnosed by credible physicians as resulting from a Covid vaccination. Some of those injured were even seen by federal government employed physicians and the harm from a vaccination was validated and acknowledged by the federal government» the AGs letter added.

«The people for whom we advocate and for whom we are concerned are not opportunists looking for deep pockets for phantom injuries. These are honest people with verified injuries. They are our constituents of all backgrounds and political affiliations. This is not just a bi-partisan issue, it is non- partisan in nature. Yet, in spite of credible diagnoses and real harm, these individuals injured by COVID-19 vaccines have only a single form of recourse: to file a claim with the CICP».

“STOP LEGAL IMMUNITY TO VACCINES’ BIG PHARMA”. Moms for America Complaint vs Gates-Rockefeller Plot on Mankind as Guinea-Pig

In writing these words, the Attorneys General of the 14 US states actually confirm the seriousness of a social alarm that some American academic doctors have considered a holocaust worse than Hiroshima.

No Transparency or due Process for Harmed

They therefore point out the multiple critical aspects of the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) compensation request practice.

  • «To start, an individual who is injured by a COVID-19 vaccine has only one year from the date of injury to file a claim with the CICP. If this short timeframe lapses, the individual is ineligible for benefits».
  • Second, injured individuals are frequently left to navigate the program by themselves with no professional guidance. And the showing a claimant must make is substantial. The claimant “must demonstrate that the injury sustained was the direct result of the administration or use of a” COVID-19 vaccine “based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical, and scientific evidence.” And the “temporal association” between receiving a vaccine and “onset of the injury . . . is not sufficient, by itself, to prove that an injury is the direct result” of a vaccine».

VACCINES’ HOLOCAUST worse than HIROSHIMA one! Thanks 8 World Studies US Epidemiologist Estimates More Deaths from mRNA Genetic Serum than 121 Nuclear Bombs

  • Third, the CICP provides little or no transparency or due process. An individual filing a claim has no knowledge—or ability to find out—who will make adetermination about his or her claim, when it will be decided, or how it will be decided. There is also no right to confront or question the government officials who denied a claim, no way to access or respond to any evidence the government may have relied on in denying a claim, no way to confront or question any experts who may have consulted in denying the claim, and no way for a claimant to introduce evidence from his or her own expert.
  • Fourth, even in those rare instances when the CICP approves a claim, the injured claimant is entitled to, at most, up to $50,000 in lost wages per year and unreimbursed medical expenses. If the injured person is deceased, his or her estate may receive a limited death benefit»

Most of the over 10,473 COVID-19 vaccine–related claims remain unadjudicated

But there is a bureaucratic issue that denotes a clear attempt to cover up compensation requests..

«The data so far shows that the CICP fails to address the very real harms that have been suffered by individuals injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Of the over 10,473 COVID-19 vaccine–related claims that the CICP has received, most remain unadjudicated»

«And of those claims that have been decided, only 65 were found eligible for compensation, and only 20 of those have actually received any compensation. And but for one extreme outlier (a $370,376 award–likely a myocarditis fatality), the average COVID-19 vaccine-related award comes in well below $5,000. It is unsurprising that so little in compensation has been paid out, given the insufficient resources allocated to the CICP for compensation. The program obviously cannot process claims in a timely manner, let alone pay claims, without adequate funding».

Myocarditis: Massacre after mRNA Vaccines! Other 28 Deaths Confirmed by Autopsies (Study), 18,000 Adverse Reactions, 10,000 Mysterious Heart Attacks

The 14 Attorneys General then go into the specifics of the problem by giving some sensational examples of vaccine-damaged people and underlining that 70% of those who have joined the CDC program for monitoring vaccine safety have been forced to seek medical care, even serious and urgent ones.

Among 10 million Americans within CDC V-safe Program 70 percent needing post-vaccination medical care 

«We have heard from numerous constituents who suffered serious injuries following administration of a COVID-19 vaccine. Indeed, among the approximately 10 million Americans who signed up for the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) V- safe program, which was designed to assess the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, more than 70 percent of individuals who reported needing post-vaccination medical care went to urgent care, the emergency room, or were hospitalized»

Among the most striking cases is that of Ernest Ramirez, Jr., a 16-year-old boy from Texas, played on a baseball team his dad proudly coached. Five days after a single Pfizer dose, he collapsed in front of his best friend while running across a parking lot to play basketball. He passed away from sudden heart failure. His autopsy reported high levels of inflammation in his heart, liver, and other organs.

TURBO-CANCER, HEARTBREAK & TOXIC SPIKE. Lethal Risks from Covid mRNA Vaccines: Exclusive Interviews with 3 World-Famous Italian MD

«With these and myriad other heartbreaking stories in mind» 14 AGs address to HHS Department some questions. Below the the most relevant… (whole letter in the sources at the bottom of the article)

The Challenge for Diagnosis and Treatment of the Injured

  • «What can be done to educate doctors about treatments for COVID-19 vaccine– related injuries and possible diagnoses? In particular, when will the National Institutes of Health (NIH) be providing medical guidance on the protocols they have been using to diagnose and treat individuals who have suffered complications from a COVID-19 vaccine?»
  • «When will the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) begin implementing COVID-19 vaccine adverse reaction codes, as other countries are already doing?»

COVID VACCINES DNA CONTAMINATION: Another Australian Council calls for action after National Drugs Administration (TGA) admitted the Issue

  • What accounts for the extraordinarily low CICP approval rate for claims for COVID-19 vaccine injuries? It blinks reality to say that only 0.5 percent of claimants had valid, compensable injuries.
  • What can be done to expedite the CICP adjudication process for COVID-19 vaccine–related claims? Why is the adjudication rate so slow? How does the adjudication rate for COVID-19 vaccine claims compare to claims for other vaccines?

937% Increase in Heart Failure among Vaccinated US Military Personnel: Unclassified DOD Data on Navy Pilots

The letter from the Attorneys General of 14 states to the US Department of Health is not only a heartfelt request to concretely resolve the problem and provide an important political weapon to the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he is confirmed by the Senate as secretary as desired by Trump.

It is also a first act of explicit contestation to the functioning of the system that revolves around the dangerous Covid vaccines and which could foretell further lawsuits against Big Pharma.

EXPLOSIVE! Slovak Government Report Calls for Ban of ‘Dangerous’ mRNA Vaccines

Meanwhile, in the rest of the West, only in Australia and Slovakia are the alarm over the mRNA Covid genetic serums being taken seriously.

In fact, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) that has investigated Ursula Von der Leyen for the secret negotiations on the Pfizer vaccines despite them not being adequately tested has already asked a Belgian Court to apply immunity.

While in Italy there are very few cases in which justice has ruled in favor of the injured parties.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram


ATTORNEY GENERAL’s LETTER on COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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