MAFIA KILLER ACQUITTED of MURDER of PREGNANT WOMAN due to Statute of Limitations. Shameful Injustice in Italy on Cop and Wife Assasination

MAFIA KILLER ACQUITTED of MURDER of PREGNANT WOMAN due to Statute of Limitations. Shameful Injustice in Italy on Cop and Wife Assasination


In the cover image the boss Nino Madonia and the spouses Ida Castelluccio and Nino Agostino whose murder he was accused of

by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


The First Section of the Court of Cassation of Rome, with a shocking ruling, has acquitted a Cosa Nostra mafia hitman of the murder of a young pregnant woman due to the statute of limitations.

The case is destined to enter the annals of Italian miscarriages of justice, which too often has shown itself inclined to give more weight to the legal quibbles raised by the lawyers of the rich lifers rather than to the thirst for justice of the victims of mafia massacres.

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The issue takes on even more relevance because the mafia boss Nino Madonia who was “pardoned” for this terrible murder is a member of the Sicilian Corleonesi clan of Cosa Nostra who has already been hit by 7 life sentences (more details about here).

The ruling of the Court of Cassation, the third level of judgment in Italy, came at the end of an interminable trial for the killing of the policeman Nino Agostino, on the front line against the Italian Mafia, and his very young wife Ida Castelluccio, only 19 years old, in a state of pregnancy.

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The judges of the First Criminal Section of the Supreme Court with the ruling pronounced on January 30, after the hearing that took place last January 14, annulled with referral the ruling of the Court of Assizes of Palermo that in October 2023 had reaffirmed the life sentence, already inflicted in the first degree after the abbreviated trial for the murder of Agostino and annulled without referral that for the murder of Castelluccio due to the statute of limitations.

Statute-Barred crime on Killing of a Pregnant Young Woman

In the hearing of January 14, the deputy attorney general of the Court of Cassation Giuseppina Casella, during her closing speech, had underlined how “we are in this courtroom dealing with a fact dating back to over 35 years ago that required a significant effort of reconstruction by the judicial authorities of Palermo, which also found itself faced with some attempts to divert attention”.

The Attorney General had requested confirmation of the life sentence for the Cosa Nostra boss, recently investigated by the Palermo prosecutor’s office also for the murder of the President of the Sicilian Region Piersanti Mattarella.

Well, the death of the policeman’s very young pregnant wife has become a statute-barred crime after a shameful delay by the Italian justice system due to the absence of the aggravating circumstance of PREMEDITATION in the crime.

The victims of the killing: Ida Castelluccio and her husband Nino Agostino

That is, according to the logic of the Court of Cassation, inferred from the pronouncement reported by the media, the defendant Madonia shot the woman even though he had premeditated to kill only her husband.

But it is enough for us to highlight that the statute of limitations for the mafia murder of a pregnant woman is an everlasting shame destined to reiterate the failure of Italian justice, especially due to the malfunctioning of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, the body responsible for supervising magistrates but too often influenced by politics.

The Lawyer of Victims’ Families under Trial for Slander

Not only that.

This acquittal due to the statute of limitations for a murder, matured due to the very long inter-trial, and the referral of the documents to the Appeal Court regarding the killing of the policeman supports the reports of the lawyer of the victims’ families, Fabio Repici, on an alleged misdirection in the investigation.

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This denunciation of his cost him a referral to trial for slander in a drift worthy of a novel by Franz Kafka in which the denouncer of an alleged conspiracy finds himself a victim.

This is justice in Italy, a well-known Mafia country…

The Endless Misdirection on the Borsellino Attack

It is not only the case of the Agostino murder trial that has sparked controversy from the lawyer for the victims’ family.

“The misdirection is still ongoing”.

This is according to the lawyer Fabio Repici, who in recent years has followed the Paolo Borsellino family in the various trials on the explosive attack to the famous Sicilian judge that have taken place and who was interviewed today by the journalist from il Fatto Giuseppe Pipitone at the international anti-mafia festival “L’Impegno di tutti” organized by the Wikimafia association. How?

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“On the one hand, in the political arena, there is an attempt to give dignity to the phantom causality deriving from the mafia and procurement trail of the Ros investigation – explains Repici – but also in the judicial arena, there are activities of clear misdirection that have been attempted through false statements by the justice collaborator Maurizio Avola”.

MORE DETAILS IN THE ITALIAN VERSIONText in Italian with automatic translation into English and other languages ​​by clicking on the flags at the top left


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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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