WUHAN-GATES – 81. EXCLUSIVE & EXPLOSIVE STUDY! The “Recipe” to Build a Covid in Laboratory published by Fauci’s collaborator prof. Baric on 2017. Where was Trump?

WUHAN-GATES – 81. EXCLUSIVE & EXPLOSIVE STUDY! The “Recipe” to Build a Covid in Laboratory published by Fauci’s collaborator prof. Baric on 2017. Where was Trump?


In the cover image Ralph Baric, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years. Beside his study published on Springer Nature in 2017

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


An exclusive and explosive study published by Springer Nature, one of the most important scientific journals in the world, confirms that even 2017, American researchers coordinated by virologist Anthony Fauci and funded by the Pentagon, through Big Pharma Moderna in turn funded by Bill Gates, had already experimented with the construction of a laboratory Covid-19.

The published research leaves no room for doubt right from the title “Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for Rapid Genetic Manipulation of Emergent and Preemergent Infectious Coronaviruses”.

The study published in 2017 by Springer Nature – link among the sources at the end of the article

If it had been published by one of the hundreds of scientists who tried to develop a chimeric (i.e. laboratory-enhanced) SARS virus combined with the HIV-AIDS pathogen, it would have been disturbing news but not enough to embarrass President Donald Trump during whose term the dangerous study was published just as virologist Anthony Fauci continued to play with the “Gain-of-Function (GOF)” a sophisticated biochemical technique to enhance any virus in the laboratory.

The Fauci and Baric Studies

Fauci was allowed to do this by a waiver received from the Obama-Biden administration which had placed a moratorium on the very dangerous GOF experiments but had granted the freedom to continue doing them to Fauci who in 2020 even developed a version of SARS-Cov-2 compatible with the Omicron variant that many international scientists believed to be of artificial origin like SARS-Cov-2.

WUHAN-GATES – 59. “Dangerous SARS-2 & Omicron Lab Experiments without Risk Assessment. STOP Them!”. Alert by 5 US Senators. Russia blames the last Boston Research

This new document PROVES WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, once again, that Baric was working on the manipulation of coronaviruses and had published the “recipe” to build a laboratory COVID already in May 2017, right under the nose of US President Donald Trump who recently banned the Gain of Function (GOF) biotechnology needed to enhance viruses in the laboratory after having also launched at the end of his first term the Warp Speed ​​funding to accelerate the production of the Moderna, Pentagon and Fauci Covid vaccine… Beastly ignorance or terrible complicity?

We will soon find out in the future vaccination policies of the new Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the well-known NO-VAX activist Robert F. Kennedy who has already met with Big Pharma with Trump, instead even more unscrupulous in involving Bill Gates in Musk’s Stargate project on Artificial Intelligence.

All of this makes Baric’s 2017 study and then-President Trump’s total ignorance tragically suspect.

WUHAN-GATES 45. First Study on SARS-2 Manmade Hidden by Fauci. Hot E-mail: US Microbiologist had forthwith Discovered “Artificial Spike Alterations”

Here is the summary of the scientific research published in Springer Nature on May 16, 2017…

«Emergent and preemergent coronaviruses (CoVs) pose a global threat that requires immediate intervention. Rapid intervention necessitates the capacity to generate, grow, and genetically manipulate infectious CoVs in order to rapidly evaluate pathogenic mechanisms, host and tissue permissibility, and candidate antiviral therapeutic efficacy»

The “Recipe” for Building a Lab-Based Covid

This is what we read in the Abstract of the study signed by Ralph Baric and other colleagues from the University of North Carolina where the main tests on SARS manipulated in the laboratory were carried out…

«CoVs encode the largest viral RNA genomes at about 28–32,000 nucleotides in length, and thereby complicate efficient engineering of the genome. Deconstructing the genome into manageable fragments affords the plasticity necessary to rapidly introduce targeted genetic changes in parallel and assort mutated fragments while maximizing genome stability over time. In this protocol we describe a well-developed reverse genetic platform strategy for CoVs that is comprised of partitioning the viral genome into 5–7 independent DNA fragments (depending on the CoV genome), each subcloned into a plasmid for increased stability and ease of genetic manipulation and amplification».

WUHAN-GATES – 48. Moderna Vaccine Patented 9 Months Before Pandemic. Thanks to the Fauci-Baric’ Manmade SARS Viruses

«Coronavirus genomes are conveniently partitioned by introducing type IIS or IIG restriction enzyme recognition sites that confer directional cloning. Since each restriction site leaves a unique overhang between adjoining fragments, reconstruction of the full-length genome can be achieved through a standard DNA ligation comprised of equal molar ratios of each fragment. Using this method, recombinant CoVs can be rapidly generated and used to investigate host range, gene function, pathogenesis, and candidate therapeutics for emerging and preemergent CoVs both in vitro and in vivo».

In 2004, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was among the first bacteriological research centers in the world to experiment with a chimeric SARS (i.e. modified in the laboratory) thanks to an HIV plasmid.

WUHAN-GATES – 65. US Senate Report Blames China for SARS-Cov-2 Manmade with HIV but also Admits the American Faults

That is, the same virus found in a genomic sequence of SARS-COV-2 by Indian biological researchers (forced to retract their research by Fauci), by the late French biologist Luc Montagnier and by bioengineer Pierre Bricage, a NATO consultant on bacteriological weapons.

Recently, multiple studies have been published on the laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2, also confirmed by two different investigations by the US Congress.

The chimeric virus created by Baric with the identical structure to SARS-Cov-2

The Central Intelligence Agency has also published a report, of which the new director John Ratcliffe appointed by Trump has only made public a summary press release, in which the theory of the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2 is accredited.

While previously the US National Director of Intelligence, the lawyer Avril Haines, already a prophet of the pandemic after having been deputy director of the CIA, had tried in every way to support the natural origin even creating a rift within the federal agencies coordinated by her ODNI office.

WUHAN-GATES – 80. CIA Report: “SARS-Cov-2 by Bio-Lab“. But US Intel HIDES an IDENTICAL VIRUS built by Pentagon on 2017. New Explosive Study!!!

But the CIA continued to point the finger at the experiments on SARS viruses carried out by the Chinese, omitting to say that some of them were financed by Fauci, but above all, American counterintelligence “forgot” to report a virus with a genomic structure identical to SARS-Cov-2 built by Professor Baric between 2016 and 2017.

This happened hortly after Moderna – with whom he collaborated – had created an artificial human gene with 19 nucleotides identical to SARS-Cov-2 as discovered by a team of international virologists which also included the former president of the Italian Medicines Agency Giorgio Palù.

WUHAN-GATES – 56. Deep Investigation on “Moderna’s Artificial human gene like SARS-Cov-2”. Huge Plot EU, China, US Darpa & Fauci

Trump’s Complacent Ignorance on Bacteriological Labs in Ukraine

Despite this, even the Trump administration does not seem to give much weight to the initiative of 17 American attorneys general against the “malign actors” of the pandemic. He has banned funding for Gain-of-Function research, just as Obama did when he then authorized Fauci’s research on coronavirus biological weapons…


Because Trump has not at all grasped the importance of the bacteriological laboratories opened by the Pentagon in Ukraine in 2012 by a former director of the CIA.

WUHAN-GATES – 50. The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

Trump did not care, between 2017 and 2020 of his first mandate, about studies on coronaviruses and even resumed – after having interrupted them – funding for Peter Daszak’s EcoHealthAlliance in January 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic emergency broke out, regardless of the fact that Daszak with Gates and Fauci had financed the dangerous experiments in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and in various American universities such as the BSL-4 laboratory in Chapell Hill of the University of North Carolina where Ralph Baric worked.

WUHAN-GATES – 54. Too Many Secrets on Manmade SARS between Chinese Biolab & Daszak’s NGO of NY funded by Fauci-Gates. NIH stops the Grant

Finally, Trump himself financed the Warp Speed ​​project to accelerate the production of Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccine financed by Fauci, the Pentagon, Gates which caused thousands of deaths around the world due to the lethality of a highly carcinogenic biotechnology as already admitted by previous patents of Cambridge Big Pharma.

This is why the current US president, before being celebrated as the savior of the country for having banned mandatory Covid vaccines in schools where they were no longer used, should clarify what he did from 2017 to 2020 when the New World Order establishment supported Bill Gates’ project on global immunization.

The fact that Gates is one of the partners in the artificial intelligence project launched by Trump and Musk certainly does not speak in favor of the naivety of the American president in the previous mandate.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram


SPRINGER NATURE – Efficient Reverse Genetic Systems for Rapid Genetic Manipulation of Emergent and Preemergent Infectious Coronaviruses





Even a Transhumanist Tycoon, a mRNA Vaccines Promoter and GATES inside STARGATE Trump-Musk project for Artificial Intelligence

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WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

17 Attorneys General BLAME FAUCI among the Covid Pandemic’s MALIGN ACTORS. So they Contest his Pardon

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WUHAN-GATES – 78. US CONGRESS Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic: “SARS-Cov-2 is not Natural but Emerged by Wuhan Laboratory”

WUHAN-GATES – 67. “TRUTH & CENSORSHIP ON SARS-COV-2 MANMADE”. Exclusive Interview to Scientist Perez, who Discovered Artificial Covid with Montagnier

WUHAN-GATES – 71. “OMICRON BUILT IN LAB”. Japanese Scientists confirm Montagnier-Perez Study and US-Russian Alarms on Risky Tests

WUHAN-GATES – 8. “SARS-2: Virus GMO built with HIV”. Bio-engineer, ex NATO Lecturer, destroyed Natural Origin Theory



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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