Update – POPE FRANCIS IN RESERVED PROGNOSIS after PATHOLOGIES Typical of ADVERSE REACTIONS to VACCINES. First a Bilateral Pneumonia, then a Thrombocytopenia

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
The emergency crisis that Pope Francis suffered on Saturday in his room at Gemelli has substantially subsided today, Febraury, 23,2025, as is also evident from the fact that he spent a quiet night. However, Vatican sources report, the Pontiff is still wearing ‘nose pads’ for the administration of oxygen at other flows, which help him breathe. But he remains in critical condition.
The news of the day is the onset of “an initial, mild, renal failure, currently under control”. However, “since yesterday evening he has not presented any further respiratory crises”, reports the medical bulletin released in the evening.
The Catholic and Christian world has been in great apprehension since yesterday, when Pope Francis’s conditions suddenly worsened after his hospitalization in recent days.
On Friday, the Pontiff’s conditions seemed to be slightly improving, he had no fever and had gotten out of bed at the Policlinico Universitario Gemelli, the Vatican Hospital in Rome, to read the newspapers and take care of some small bureaucratic tasks.
Pope Francis: Asthma crisis and anemia, transfusion was necessary
But on Saturday he had a serious asthma attack following the bilateral pneumonia for which he was being treated, aggravated by sudden anemia. The medical bulletin of the Holy See had to admit that the conditions of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 88 years old, are critical and he remains in a reserved prognosis.
What health workers have not noted is that both pathologies accused by the Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church are typical of adverse reactions to vaccines.
“Today’s blood tests also revealed thrombocytopenia, associated with anemia, which required the administration of blood transfusions,” the Vatican note explained.
It is to be hoped that the transfusion was not done with the blood of vaccinated people that could be contaminated by the toxic Spike protein from Covid vaccines that persists in the human body for over two years as confirmed by a study by bioimmunologist Mauro Mantovani…
Thrombocytopenia, also known as thrombocytopenia or hypoplateletemia, is a condition that occurs when the number of thrombocytes (platelets) circulating in the blood is less than 150,000/mm3. Platelets play a fundamental role in blood clotting. Their number can decrease for many reasons and cause multiple damages to the body
“The Holy Father – it is added – continues to be alert and spent the day in an armchair even if he was in more pain than yesterday. At the moment the prognosis is reserved“. “The Holy Father’s conditions – the medical bulletin concludes – continue to be critical, therefore, as explained yesterday, the Pope is not out of danger“. adds the Vatican Bulletin.
What the doctors do not say is that both the lung damage (read below) and that particular form of anemia are among the typical adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines that Pope Mario Bergoglio has promoted.
“COVID-19 vaccination may lead to the onset of de novo immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) or disease flare-up in patients with a pre-existing diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia. This complication, although rare, can be observed in a significant absolute number of cases, given the extent of vaccination practice during the current pandemic”.
This is what Dr. Valerio De Stefano, scientific coordinator of the ITP and anti-COVID-19 vaccination working group GIMEMA-SIE-SISET, wrote on December 22, 2021 in an open letter to AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency). The GIMEMA Foundation (Italian Group for Adult Hematological Diseases) promotes, manages and coordinates independent clinical research protocols on blood diseases
Pneumonia from Suspected Adverse Reaction to Covid Vaccine
“An important function of the immune system is to protect against infections. To do this, the system recognizes microorganisms as foreign to the body and produces proteins (antibodies) that bind to the microorganisms so that they can be removed from the body. In autoimmune diseases, the body mistakenly reacts to the individual’s own tissues as if they were foreign. In autoimmune diseases that affect the lungs, the immune system attacks and damages lung tissue.”
This is what the MSD Manual for Physicians and Pharmacists writes.
«While the humoral immune response induced by vaccines can be a powerful approach to confer protection against CoV infection, an abnormal antibody response can also cause physical deterioration in patients. In SARS-CoV-infected macaque models, vaccine-induced S-specific IgG caused severe acute lung injury (ALI) because IgG disturbed the inflammation resolution response of macrophages and blockade of the Fc gamma receptor (FcγR) reduced this influence».
This is what two Chinese universities reported in October 2020 in a study published by the authoritative scientific journal Nature, calling for the immediate withdrawal of mRNA gene sera.
Other studies have confirmed the alarm, along with some excellent deaths such as that of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, struck down by pathologies typical of the side effects of Covid vaccines.
In light of the current bilateral pneumonia found in Pope Francis who repeatedly boasted of his continued adherence to the Covid vaccination campaign (due to the many fraudulent scientific advisors wandering around the Vatican) these scientific notes should invite doctors to evaluate his current pathologies as adverse reactions to mRNA genetic serums, now known worldwide for their high carcinogenic potential which is hidden only in Italy thanks to the favorable political propaganda of the Meloni Government and the accomplice of Big Pharma, the Italian Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci.
It should not be forgotten that precisely following the inoculation of the Covid gene serum boosters, the Sovereign of the Vatican State, in April 2023, Jorge Mario Bergoglio had already had a mysterious and sudden acute attack of bronchitis which he then overcame without serious consequences.
The Miracle Herbal Medicine for TB Ignored for Respiratory Tract Care
In this serious clinical context, it is important that not even for the Pope have doctors decided to experiment with the use of a herbal medicine, certified by the National Health System as an effective therapy for Common Cold, which in other parts of the world has also been authorized for the treatment of acute chronic bronchitis and sinusitis.
The roots of South African Geranium, which can be purchased over the counter, are in fact a very powerful immunostimulator thanks to which a Swiss doctor miraculously cured more than 800 tuberculosis patients in the mid-20th century.
Not only that. An emeritus head of Pneumology at the Niguarda hospital in Milan suggested its use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 in an exclusive interview with Gospa News that has been shared tens of thousands of times worldwide in the English version.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Threats were made against the Pope’s life, I knew at the time that they would make good on their threats; but God cures all, but whether that means the Pope or all mankind, only God knows.