53 KILLED by “X DISEASE” IN CONGO where GATES’ DRONES for VACCINES Operate… Epidemic Massacre in Region Heaklth Projects funded by IT Tycoon’s Foundation as SARS-2 Manmade

53 KILLED by “X DISEASE” IN CONGO where GATES’ DRONES for VACCINES Operate… Epidemic Massacre in Region Heaklth Projects funded by IT Tycoon’s Foundation as SARS-2 Manmade


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«A still unknown disease has killed more than 50 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, doctors on the ground and the World Health Organization reported Monday. The interval between the onset of symptoms and death was 48 hours in most cases, and “that’s what’s really worrying,” Serge Ngalebato, medical director of Bikoro Hospital, told the Associated Press» writes Italian network RAI News.

The outbreak began on January 21 and 419 cases have been recorded, including 53 deaths. According to the WHO Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko erupted after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours due to symptoms of hemorrhagic fever.

Disease X Becomes Unknown Virus

This is the news spread by one of the major mainstream media outlets that immediately launched a terrorist alarm on the connection between bats and the viral infection, completely ignoring what happened in Congo in December 2024.

When even the pro-vax epidemiologist Matteo Bassetti was shocked by the fact that in several weeks of analysis of the previous epidemic phenomenon attributed to the feared DISEASE X the World Health Organization had not been able to identify the viral genomic sequence, while in Wuhan for SARS-Cov-2 this happened in just a few hours…

So the lack of terrorist propaganda on DISEASE X today becomes in the mainstream media complacent with the Big Pharma that finances them an “unknown virus”. Forgetting the previous event…

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And the issue is brought up, completely presumed given the lack of reliable local reports, of some children who would have eaten dead bat meat and then developed an infection capable of killing 50 more people hundreds of kilometers away. Only idiot mainstream journalists cannot articulate reflections on this topic. Not only that.

Among the Dead some positive for Malaria as in Disease X

The Italian specialistic Quotidiano Sanità (Health Newspapaer) is one of the most precise in reporting a correct picture of the alarm:

«The interval between the onset of symptoms and death was 48 hours in most cases, and “this is what is really worrying,” Serge Ngalebato, medical director of Bikoro Hospital, told the Associated Press. The epidemic began on January 21 and 419 cases have been recorded, including 53 deaths. According to the WHO Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko began after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours from symptoms of hemorrhagic fever».

«After the second outbreak of the current mystery disease in the town of Bomate on February 9, samples from 13 cases were sent to the National Institute for Biomedical Research in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa, for testing, WHO said. All the samples tested negative for Ebola or other common hemorrhagic fever diseases such as Marburg. Some tested positive for malaria.”

African Population and Children as Guinea-Pigs for Pentagon, Metabiota (Bidens) & Gates Experiments on Virus, Vaccines

The result dovetails perfectly with the African testing laboratories’ report on the outbreaks of Disease X in Congo in December 2024. WHO updated the unofficial information after taking blood samples from patients with Disease X, reporting that 8 out of 10 had tested positive for malaria.

First question: is it the same Disease X from December?

If so, why did the WHO report the alarm on new lethal cases without even making a reference to a possible correlation with the previous mysterious epidemic that was never sufficiently investigated

The Alarm on Dangerous Coronaviruses from China

Do these episodes have anything to do with the latest alarm from China on Coronaviruses that preceded that of Bill Gates who has been working in Congo for many years and has financed a drone project for the transport of vaccines and the recovery of laboratory samples exactly in the region of the lethal epidemic???

Terrifying! New LETHAL BIO-WEAPON SARS-COV-3 Built and Hid by CHINA’s ARMY. Very Dangerous Research on Chimeric Virus Military Medical Doctors’ Did

«There is another Coronavirus and this too, like the Covid-19 virus, is potentially transmissible to humans. The discovery comes from China, specifically from Wuhan, a city that has become known as the origin of the 2019 pandemic. The Chinese team of researchers has detected the existence of a new bat coronavirus that carries the risk of contagion from animals to humans as it uses the same human receptor as the virus that causes Covid-19. The study was led by Shi Zhengli, the leading virologist known as the “batwoman” for her extensive research on bat coronaviruses, at the Guangzhou Laboratory together with researchers from the Guangzhou Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University and the Wuhan Institute of Virology» wrote the major mainstream sites obviously hiding the true nature of SARS-Cov-2.

The Nightmare of a New Laboratory SARS

There are now dozens of scientific research and reports from the US Government and Intelligence that confirm the laboratory construction of the Covid-19 pandemic virus, but China, which since 1998 has developed research on highly dangerous bacterial pathogens together with the USA, obviously pretends not to know anything about it despite having already developed a chimeric genotype of coronavirus that we have renamed SARS-Cov-3 as it could wipe out a third of the world’s population due to its extremely high lethality.

«Bill Gates has been warning about pandemics for nearly a decade, but his biggest fear isn’t just another outbreak—it’s that the world isn’t learning from past mistakes» wrote Yahoo’s AOL portal on February 24, 2025 on the very same page where it reported the news of the deadly epidemic in Congo.

“US BIO-LABS of KILLER VIRUSES from Ukraine to Africa”. Russian MoD Unveils Pandemic WARFARE by Pentagon together Gates & Clinton Foundations

«One initiative Gates is optimistic about is the Global Health Emergency Corps, a World Health Organization-led program designed to train and coordinate health leaders worldwide» website added.

Gates writes, “the next ‌pandemic could emerge anywhere, and so the Emergency Corps must have expertise from every corner of the globe.”

It’s a shame that precisely in the places where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spends its largest investments in biological laboratories and other initiatives, the remedies seem to lead to results worse than the damage. Russia has also denounced it…

In the previous investigation we highlighted how Gates funded research on malaria which turned out to be one of the infections present in people affected by disease X.


In this article we discover that the same BMGF supported a revolutionary drone project to deliver Covid vaccines and collect laboratory samples right in the Congolese regions currently affected by the infectious massacre of hemorrhagic fever (which obviously has many correlations with malaria …).

One of the VillageReach drones funded by Bill Gates

«Equateur province, in the northeastern part of DRC is home to a two-way delivery network using Swoop Aero drone technology to serve remote and hard-to-reach health facilities and communities. The Provincial Ministry of Health, with the technical assistance of VillageReach and financial support from donors coming together, including GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, established operations to address the medical delivery needs given the challenging terrain in the region».

This is what he wrote in a DroneLife article from January 2022, which gave wide prominence to the VillageReach project implemented in the regions now affected by the mysterious deadly epidemic.

VillageReach Drone Project Partners

«Dr. Nicole Lubanda, the lead representative for yellow fever and measles from the EPI, traveled to the Bikoro health district to serve as the national supervisor for the yellow fever mass vaccination campaign. She learned of the support that the drones had provided to the district with routine vaccine deliveries. When she reached the site, one of the drones was arriving at the district-landing site from a trip to Maanga, which is one of three health catchment areas benefiting from drone deliveries of yellow fever vaccines. It is a village only accessible through a lake and situated 100 km from the Bikoro health district office».

The map of the region affected by the epidemic which coincidentally affects the Bikoro area

It is truly curious that precisely in the region most monitored by Bill Gates’ projects for global immunization, a lethal epidemic develops a few hours after the founder of Microsoft predicted it…

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

If we had not amply demonstrated that Gates is a criminal conspirator who financed the development of SARS-Cov-2 in the laboratory to sell Covid vaccines together with accomplices from the USA, EU and Italy, we could still believe in fatal coincidences…

Red Cross Reports Laboratory Escape in Congo

Unfortunately, it is the Red Cross that has revealed yet another in the Kinshasa area, not far from the outbreaks of the epidemics…

WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon

«The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has raised the alarm: the clashes underway in the city of Goma, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, could cause the escape of samples of Ebola and other pathogens from a laboratory. This was reported by the AFP agency» cited by Renovatio21.

There is not the slightest evidence that this alleged dispersion of viruses is in any way related to the epidemics recorded in very distant places such as Bomate or Niloko but for the sake of completeness of information I thought it was necessary to also add this disturbing paragraph given that the African virological experiments were the subject of the investigation into the death of the late biologist Luc Montagnier…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram


AOL – Bill Gates Says ‘Next Pandemic Can Emerge Anywhere’ And The World Isn’t Prepared: ‘We Can’t Afford To Get Caught Flat-Footed Again’

DRONE LIFE – VillageReach: Drones are a Hero in Yellow Fever Immunization Campaign




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WUHAN-GATES – 81. EXCLUSIVE & EXPLOSIVE STUDY! The “Recipe” to Build a Covid in Laboratory published by Fauci’s collaborator prof. Baric on 2017. Where was Trump?

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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