WUHAN-GATES – 82. SYNTHETIC VIRUSES: BIOWEAPONS Hidden by PENTAGON’s. Exclusive US AIR FORCE Secret Paper confirms Dangerous Tests by JASON Group on SARS-Cov2

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Synthetic recombinant viruses, just like SARS-Cov-2 with HIV sequences, are one of the hidden bacteriological weapons studied by the Pentagon (American Department of Defense).
This is confirmed by an exclusive report from the US Air Force, discovered by our IT consultant together with the story of the Jason Group (all links among the sources).
The Jason Group, due to its devastating potential in the epidemiological field, can be
considered in the sector of bio-weapons the equivalent of the Manhattan Project for the construction of atomic bombs. It worked precisely on some research on synthetic viruses, those that Chinese researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology called the “chimeric SARS” because they were built in the laboratory.
But unlike the extremely dangerous experiments on coronaviruses conducted in China thanks to funding from the European Commission (since 2004) and the Predict projects of the Obama-Biden administration (after 2009) under the guidance of virologist Anthony Fauci, published in the most important scientific journals, the studies on synthetic viruses conducted by the Pentagon remain CLASSIFIED, that is, covered by state secrecy by national intelligence.
Among these, however, at least one on the artificially manipulated SARS virus was made public by the usual microbiologist Ralph Baric who, with Fauci, tried to hide the laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2, now also admitted by the American counter-espionage of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). It dates back to 2015, that is, 2 years before the scientist himself published the “recipe” for building a dangerously enhanced coronavirus in the laboratory.
These three documents, available on official websites with links on the web that are difficult to find without considerable specific investigative skill, represent yet more evidence of the macroscopic role played by the USA (with China, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union) in the construction of various genotypes of different lethality of the Covid-19 pathogenic agent to support the terrifying global immunization plan of Bill Gates, megadonor of the US Democratic Party and already rewarded by former President Barack Obama…
The US Air Force Report on Binary Biological Weapons
This sentence from an exclusive USAF (US Air Force) document dating back to 2010 clearly explains the danger of recombinant chimeric viruses such as SARS infected with an HIV plasmid in the Wuhan Institute of Virology thanks to funding from the European Commission in 2004 and subsequent contributions from the PREDICT projects on Coronaviruses guaranteed by the Obama-Biden administration in an international intrigue that reaches as far as the bacteriological laboratories supervised by the CIA in Georgia and Ukraine, opened by the Pentagon in 2012 on the initiative of former CIA director Leon Panetta who became Secretary of Defense.
As is known, they were Indian biologists who first noticed the anomalous presence of sequences of the AIDS virus in SARS-Cov-2, which prompted the late biologist Luc Montagnier (together with his collaborator Jean-Claude Perez, who we interviewed exclusively) to confirm the artificial origin of the pathogenic agent of the Covid-19 disease, as did the bio-engineer Pierre Bricage, a former NATO consultant on bioweapons.
The USAF document mentions the infamous JASON Group, which since 1960 has been carrying out studies to build DESIGNED DISEASES, also using GENE THERAPY AS A WEAPON: just like the Covid gene serums would be according to the American bioweapons expert Francus Boyle (who passed away just a few days ago).
The JASON Group increased its research activities (still classified today) on Synthetic Viruses and Emerging Viral Threats in 2005 as stated in the scientific paper “Moving Beyond Dual Use Research of Concern Regulation to an Integrated Responsible Research Environment” published by Tim Stearns Department of Biology, Stanford University, and Department of Genetics, Stanford University Medical School (California).
Remember that Big Pharma Moderna, funded by Gates Fauci’s NIAID and the Pentagon patented its Covid vaccine 8 months before the Covid outbreak not only thanks to the experiments of Baric (University of North Carolina) but also thanks to a patent from Stanford University (full name Leland Stanford Junior University) on graphene oxide nanotubes inserted into genetic serums.
Catastrophic Consequences of New Genetically Modified Pathogens
But let’s go back to the 2010 USAF document which represents the updated version of a previous 2002 report entitled “NEXT GENERATION BIOWEAPONS – The Technology of Engineering applied to Biowarfare and Bioterrorism”.
«The developmental trends in biological sciences indicate there is a plethora of possibilities concerning the study of microorganisms and its applicability in creating the next biological warfare agent. Both historical and recent events show the potentially devastating effect of using biological warfare agents and the terror they cause among the populace. Even more alarming is that technological advancements in the field of biological sciences will transform biological warfare agents into a new classification of genetically engineered pathogens eliciting catastrophic consequences».
This is what Lieutenant Colonel Joel O. Almosara, deputy director of the USAF Center for Nuclear Counterproliferation, writes in the 2010 document Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens.
«Biotechnology has already transformed scientific applications in the fields of medicine, agricultural, and other biological industrial areas. The term is defined as the “fusion of biology and technology…it involves the use of industry recombinant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), cell fusion, and new bioprocessing techniques, ” such as human genome sequencing.
«Human genome sequencing was first considered in the mid 80s. In 1988, the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Health funded a Human Genome Project (HGP), a 15-year project with a target completion date of 2005. With the rapid technological advancement and international participation, the project was completed in 2003»..
Let us remember that since 1998, American President Bill Clinton had stipulated a military collaboration on bacteriological weapons with the then Chinese President Jiang Zemin, nicknamed “the Tiananmen executioner” for the bloody repression of the 1989 student protests in China.
While in 2003 the first SARS virus (Severe acute respiratory syndrome in English) appeared, which according to American patent expert David Martin and the former commander of the Russian Army’s Nuclear, Chemical and Bacteriological Protection Troops, General Igor Kirillov, killed in a recent attack in Moscow, was built as part of Baric’s projects with the Pentagon. Are these just coincidences???
Gene Therapy as a Weapon of Engineered Diseases
«In 1997, a study was conducted to identify future threats and uses of advanced biological warfare agents. The JASON group, composed of academic scientists, served as technical advisers to the U. S. government. Their study generated six broad classes of genetically engineered pathogens that could pose serious threats to society. These include but are not limited to binary biological weapons, designer genes, gene therapy as a weapon, stealth viruses, pathogens, according to historical records, have already been produced and stockpiled. Each of host-swapping diseases, and designer diseases».
These sentences bring us back to the analyses of Colonel Lawrence Sellin and Attorney Francis Boyle who reported the “genetic therapies” of the Covid genetic serums as potential weapons of mass destruction because they were built using a toxic Spike protein enhanced in the laboratory and the “diabolical molecule” N1-methylpseudouridine manipulated with bioengineering…
We have already mentioned recombinant binary viruses (similar to SARS-Cov-2). Let us now briefly see the other types of bacteriological weapons tested and mentioned by the US Air Force).
«Gene therapy might just be the silver bullet for the treatment of human genetic diseases. This process involves replacing a bad gene with a good gene to normalize the condition of the recipient. Transfer of the “healthy” gene requires a vector to reach its target. Vectors commonly used are “viruses that have been genetically altered to carry normal human DNA” such as “retroviruses, adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, and herpes simplex viruses.” Despite the benefits of this biotechnology, the perils cannot be overlooked because genes can be programmed into an infectious state that could easily be transformed into a bioweapon».
«Designer genes could become the most lethal form of bioweapon of the future. Nations that are interested in developing lethal weapons can openly use the genomic sequence databases to choose the genes they want to design. One assessment noted, “The ever-expanding microbial genome databases now provide a parts list of all potential genes involved in pathogenicity and virulence, adhesion and colonization of host cells, immune-response evasion and antibiotic resistance, from which to pick and choose the most lethal combinations.”».
Here is the alarming conclusion of the report that introduces us to the extremely dangerous experiments of the JASON Group:
«With this wealth of information it would be possible to create diseases using synthetic viruses that could wipe out an entire population. Imagine using synthetic viruses to recreate the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed 20 million people; the worst ever in history».
In October 2004, the Spanish Flu strain of 1918 was partially reconstructed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin using reverse engineering techniques.The report continues, explaining:
“Although Though this experiment was conducted with the intent to prevent re-emergence of the devastating influenza pandemic, in the wrong hands it would offer potential offensive bioweapons capabilities.
This is the same warning a British scientist has raised about the genetically enhanced bird flu virus that has been threatening the U.S. for over a year…
Jason Group Synthetic Viruses Classified by US Intelligence
«The remarkably rapid rise of molecular biology at the end of the 20th century, in particular the increased facility with which viral and bacterial genomes could be manipulated, led to concerns that pathogens with increased virulence or other harmful properties could be constructed. The anthrax letters attack of 2001 and the subsequent Amerithrax investigation reinforced this concern and demonstrated that a bioterrorism attack, even of relatively small scale, could have major economic and societal impacts (Schmitt and Zacchia, 2012)».This is what Tim Stearns of Stanford University writes in his analysis of bacteriological weapons conducted together with the infamous JASON Group.
The researcher forgets to mention that the Anthrax attack of September 2001, after the international intelligence conspiracy on the massacre of the Twin Towers, is still under investigation by the American FBI for misdirection and alleged tampering with evidence…
«Much of the governmental oversight of what is now called DURC is under the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), established in 2004 by the Secretary of HHS,and managed by the NIH. The need for such a body was highlighted in a NRC report titled “Biotechnology Research in an Age of Terrorism: Confronting the Dual Use Dilemma.” As originally conceived, the NSABB would». it is further written in Stearns’ document.
«My experience comes from my involvement in two very different areas of research and technology. The first is as a professor in a large basic science department at a leading research university. This department, the Department of Biology at Stanford University, covers most of modern biology, from structural biology to global ecosystems. From interactions with my colleagues, I believe that very few of the more than 50 faculty in the department are aware of the NSABB and efforts to manage DURC, other than incidental knowledge from news stories in the science journals».
«My second role is as a member of JASON, an advisory group to the executive branch onmatters of science and technology, as they relate to national security. JASON began in the1960’s, with a strong representation of some of the leading physicists in the US, and much, but not all, of its work was classified. I was asked to join JASON 15 years ago, as theorganization broadened its expertise, reflecting the increasingly diverse problems thegovernment sought advice about. JASON does its work in summer studies, on topics broughtto it by government sponsors. The sponsors of biology-related studies have been government agencies tasked with assessing and understanding the biological threat, and the topics of these studies over the years reflect the concerns of the time. A sample of these studies over the last 20 years includes the following…».

«It is important to note that many of the issues most often mentioned as being of concern inthe research community now, such as manipulating pathogens to alter virulence, or to and 2005, and the Intelligence Community already has those on their radar. However, the very rapid adoption of CRISPR/Cas9 as a genome editing tool, and the associated possibilities it enables, was unanticipated, and has been the subject of government-wide discussion, with little agreement on whether it poses a threat, and if so, in what way and how serious».
The Stanford researcher’s paper then adds:
«In research, when we talk about risky experiments, we usual mean experiments whosefeasibility is not clear from the preliminary data, or that are sufficiently complicated tochallenge the existing technology (or the researcher’s ability). With DURC, the risk ispresumed to be release of information, or organisms, that could be used by an adversary for malevolent purposes. Neither “adversary” nor “malevolent purposes” is well-defined in most scenarios, and are taken to mean different things in different contexts, and by people with differing knowledge of the capabilities and intent of various potential adversaries».
Ralph Baric’s Patent on the Dangerous Chimeric Spike Protein
As we have highlighted in the table above, at least 2 researches on Synthetic Viruses conducted by the Jason Group, a partner of the Pentagon by the same admission of the USAF document, have remained classified, that is, protected by the state secrets of the US intelligence that has played a decisive role in misleading any investigation on the SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory.
But the patent US9884895B2 filed in 2015 by the microbiologist Ralph Baric, partner of Fauci, the Pentagon and Moderna, confirms that these very dangerous synthetic viruses had already been built precisely in relation to the pathogen of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
His patented research is in fact titled “Methods and compositions for chimeric coronavirus spike proteins” was published also by PubChem (NIH US archive of scientific studies, link in the sources) .

The subtitle quote reads:
«Agnihothram et al. “ Evaluation of Serologic and Antigenic Relationships Between Middle Eastern Respiratory SyndromeCoronavirus and Other Coronaviruses to Develop Vaccine Plat forms for the Rapid Response to Emerging Coronaviruses” The Journal of Infectious Diseases 209:995 – 1006 ( 2014)».
And in the classification the references are even more explicit: «Peptides having more than 20 amino acids; Gastrins; Somatostatins; Melanotropins; Derivatives thereof from viruses».
Are these all sensational coincidences or did Professor Baric, Fauci’s partner and the so-called batwoman Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, work together to build a laboratory SARS-Cov-2 to foment the global immunization plan of Bill Gates who financed them?
The virus identical to SARS-Cov-2 in genomic and structural characteristics built by Baric himself in 2017, shortly before mysterious experiments in the United Kingdom, leads us to believe that the American scientist was the world’s largest builder of synthetic viruses such as the Covid-19 pathogen.
With the full knowledge of the Pentagon, US Air Force, and Jason group…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
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USAF – Biotechnology:Genetically Engineered Pathogens 2010
STANFORD – Moving Beyond Dual Use Research of Concern Regulation
PUBMED – Methods and compositions for chimeric coronavirus spike proteins
DNA Contamination of mRNA Vaccines Can Integrate into Human DNA, Top Molecular Scientist Confirms