Doctor Who Said “I Won’t Cry” at “Funeral for Unvaxxed” Dies After 3rd COVID Shot. He Wanted “To Punch in the Face” the No Vax

Doctor Who Said “I Won’t Cry” at “Funeral for Unvaxxed” Dies After 3rd COVID Shot. He Wanted “To Punch in the Face” the No Vax


by The New American


It seems the COVID-19 “vaccines” might have claimed another victim. This time the hapless soul was a prominent New Brunswick, Canada, cardiologist who died just two weeks after his third coronavirus jab. Unlike other genetic-therapy agent (GTA, a.k.a. “vaccine”) victims, however, Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial’s story is attracting added attention because the physician had criticized the GTA-wary on social media. In fact, he wrote in July regarding people whose refusal of the shot is for “selfish” reasons, “I won’t cry at their funeral.”

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The CBC reported Tuesday on his passing, writing:

Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial dedicated more than 20 years to the New Brunswick Heart Centre and the care of patients suffering from heart disease, said a statement from the staff of the New Brunswick Heart Centre.

“It is with profound sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague, friend, father, partner and inspiring spirit,” the statement says. Lutchmedial died Monday in his sleep at his Saint John home, said Jean-François Légaré, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre. He was 52. 

Légaré said family, friends and colleagues were shocked by the news of Lutchmedial’s death. “It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. He was actually on call yesterday morning,” Légaré said in an interview. 

Neither the CBC piece nor any other source I found informs about the cause of Lutchmedial’s death, but its sudden, unexpected nature indicates he likely had enjoyed good health. Yet as HealthGrades tells us, “Sudden, unexpected death – either during the day or the night – is usually due to a heart problem.” These facts, along with the knowledge that GTA victims have died almost exclusively of heart problems, strongly indicate that Lutchmedial’s might have been another GTA-induced death.

But what really attracted attention is a since-deleted July 10 tweet in which Lutchmedial wrote that he “won’t cry at [the] funeral” of people were are “unvaccinated” for “selfish” reasons.

“Other social media activity by Dr. Lutchmedial, including retweets [image below] of figures including rabid race-obsessed crank Elie Mystal who recently ranted that white people care more about ‘using their guns on black people and getting away with it’ than kitchen table issues, was a clear indicator to many of his leftist political leanings,” writes BPR.

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The physician also presented, on August 15, his own prescription for how to encourage Americans to take the GTAs, writing, “We need to start calling them ‘Antibody Guns’ and Americans will start … lining up for vaccines. #Covid_19 #vaccinated” (tweet below).

Lutchmedial obviously became more impatient with the GTA-wary as time wore on, writing on October 9, “I think all of us would treat that unvaxxed patient with respect amd [sic] to the best of our abilities. But the people that convinced them not to get vaxxed? I want to punch those people in the face” (tweet below).

Image of the Tweet (click for link)

In fact, “Lutchmedial was a champion of the vaccines right up until the end, recently posting a message to Facebook urging parents to ‘amplify’ a message that the vaccines were safe for kids, stating that there was a ‘higher chance of getting into a car accident on your way to hockey practice than you do having a complication from this vaccine,’” BPR further reports.

Note that while the doctor might have been right about this (he also might not have), kids have a much higher chance still of getting into a car accident than dying of the China virus; in fact, they have a greater chance of dying from the GTAs than of COVID. Thus should children never be given these shots — ever.

Unlike many in government and our society’s upper echelons in general, Lutchmedial was no doubt sincere in his beliefs. This was reflected on September 24, when his impatience with the GTA-wary again showed and he wrote, “When you give stupid people choices and they make stupid choices why are we surprised? (tweet below).

One downside of the Internet age and social-media ubiquity is that remarks that might otherwise not make it past friends’ ears or even our own lips instead are broadcast to the world and can assume an epitaphic nature. Lutchmedial is also, however, remembered fondly by those close to him and even by commenters under the CBC article. He also clearly had much to offer the world; for example, the doctor “was part of performing Atlantic Canada’s first MitraClip procedure, a minimally invasive repair procedure that gives new hope to patients who are too sick to withstand open heart surgery,” the CBC also tells us.

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As for me, I’ll just say what I would after anyone’s passing (as it’s the best we could wish for): May God have mercy on his soul. As for what can be learned from this episode, a commenter responding to Lutchmedial’s tweets put it well (edited for punctuation and style):

“Oh dear…. It’s still a loss of a human being, misled and lacking in compassion perhaps of late,” she wrote. “Fear is a terrible thing…as is a superiority complex. Pride comes before a fall….”

Of course, we don’t know for certain that Lutchmedial was claimed by the GTA. But, in this case, putting 2 and 2 together does add up to Big Pharma, big bucks, and Big Media’s big lies.

by Originally published by The New American

Note: all links to Gospa News articles has been added by Gospa News editorial staff


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