Italy towards a Military Dictature. The “General of the Vaccines” becomes Head of All the Armed Forces

Italy towards a Military Dictature. The “General of the Vaccines”  becomes Head of All the Armed Forces


The Alpine general Figliuolo will also have
operational power over the Carabinieri
at the disposal of the Minister of Defense
and the Supreme Defense Council
led by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella

On the image cover the general Francesco Paolo Figliuolo beside a carabiniere

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


All Italian articles linked can be read in English with simultaneous machine translation

Between haste, bitterness and anger for the sudden extension of the state of emergency to March 31, 2022, approved in a lightning-fast Council of Ministers in the late afternoon of Tuesday December 14, and the apprehension over the extension of the restrictions imposed by decree 172 on Super Green Pass e mandatory vaccines for new categories (school workers, police, firefighters and rescue volunteers, armed forces), the assignment of a new post to the general of vaccines has gone completely unmolested, a prelude to the advent of a military dictatorship in Italy.

Not only does General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo remain extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency and, thanks to the decree on the extension of the state of emergency until March 31, he sees confirmed all his powers in this task as desired by the PM Mario Draghi.

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The head of the Civil Protection Department and the extraordinary Commissioner “also adopt ordinances aimed at scheduling the ordinary continuation of the activities necessary to contrast and contain the epidemiological phenomenon from Covid-19”.

But the high officer of the Alpine troops Figliuolo was also appointed to lead the Operational Command of Vertice Interforze (Covi) during the same session of the Council of Ministers which unanimously approved the nomination proposed by Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini.

Guerini has in fact a past among the Penne Nere. He performed his compulsory military service from June 1991 to March 1992 at the “Edolo” Alpini Battalion in Merano and, subsequently, at the Horse Artillery Regiment in Milan. He has discharged suitable for the rank of Additional Sergeant.


«The Operational Command of Vertice Interforze (COVI) was born as an effect of law no. 25 of 18 February 1997 for the restructuring of the top management of the Armed Forces which places the Chief of Staff of Defense in a superordinate position with respect to the Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, reporting directly to the Minister of Defense, as head of the military organization and in detail of the planning, preparation and use of the Armed Forces as a whole »reads the official website of the Ministry of Defense under the heading” Covi “.

Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini

“This law has conferred on the Chief of Defense Staff, no longer”first among equals”, The leading role of the military instrument as a whole, in the dual role of Chief of Staff as such (CHOD) and Commander in Chief (CINC). For the exercise of these functions it makes use of two joint bodies: the Defense Staff (SMD) and the COVI »adds the department responsible for the armed forces.

The latter is the tool by which the Chief of Defense Staff is able to exercise his decisive function as Operational Commander of the Armed Forces, again according to the official website of Palazzo Baracchini in Rome.

But, as soon as the appointment will be published in the Official Gazette, Figliuolo will take command in the military operational hierarchy of the Army, Navy, Air Force and above all Arma dei Carabinieri, which controls compliance with the regulations, restrictions and prohibitions on Covid with the contribution of the NAS (Antisophistication and Health Nuclei) and NIL (Labor Inspectorate Nucleus) commands.

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This means that it will be up to him to arrange for the use of military resources for garrisons, public order or any massive control operations if the prefects of the capitals, the Ministry of the Interior or the Ministry of Defense make specific requests in this regard.

Therefore on the field it will probably be more strategic than the Defense Chief of Staff, today Squad Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, to whom he will have to refer anyway.

And it gives a sinister meaning to the words of an interview with Figliuolo published today in La Stampa: «A sure Christmas, here’s the plan. Ready to vaccinate entering house to house ». The extraordinary commissioner also added that they are: «1.5 million doses are immediately available for children, I strongly believe in the role of pediatricians».


In practice, on the logistical-operational level in the management of the military, General Figliuolo will depend on the Minister of Defense and above all on the Supreme Defense Council, a body of constitutional importance in charge of examining general political and technical problems relating to security and defense. national.

The President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella with General Francesco Figliuolo before the pandemic

The Council is chaired by the Head of State and is composed of the President of the Council of Ministers, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, the Interior, the Economy and Finance, Defense and Economic Development and the Chief of Defense who abode was also COVI commander but with the appointment of Figliuolo it will be inferior to him.

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«The Supreme Defense Council is the main instrument through which the Head of State acquires detailed knowledge of the Government’s guidelines on security and defense, in order to be able to adequately carry out the complex role of balance and guarantee attributed to him by the Constitution. More generally, the Council constitutes a permanent institutional seat for discussion and multidisciplinary study of security and defense issues» Reads the official website of the Presidency of the Republic.

“In other words, the Supreme Defense Council is an instrument of dialogue and preventive confrontation between those responsible for the political direction in the field of national defense: through it its members can contribute to defining criteria for the best exercise of their respective individual competences” .

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In a nutshell, General Figliuolo will also refer to the Prime Minister Draghi as extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency and to the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini for military logistics issues and to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella for national security.

The suspicion therefore arises that the Government is close to extending mandatory vaccines by health professionals and by those mentioned at the beginning including the military and policemen also to the entire population, following the example announced by Austria, hypothesized by Germany and already adopted by Turkmenistan, Indonesia and Micronesia, perhaps exempting under-18s from the mandate as did the government of Ashgabat, the Turkmen capital.

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This is conceivable also in the light of the proposal of the European Commission president to ignore the Nuremberg Codebut it could be implemented even more easily if the European Medicines Agency (EMA), following the disputed example of the American Food and Drug Administration, granted the full and definitive authorization to gene serum based on messenger RNA Comirnaty.

The vaccine is indeed still experimental for emergency use in the European Union, produced by Pfizer (with Biontech) which obtained this benefit thanks to the will of the president Joe Biden, funded by Pfizer itself with a $ 2.2 million contribution to the Democratic Party’s election campaign.


The decree law consists of 11 articles and extends all the measures related to the emergency. The Super Green pass in the white zone is also extended until 31 March. This is foreseen by a provision of the decree approved today in the Council of Ministers.

To date, the reinforced Green pass is in force until January 15, but the decree establishes that in the white areas until March 31 2022 it must be used for activities that are subject to restrictions in the yellow area. This means that activities such as indoor restaurants, cinemas, discos, stadiums will remain closed to non-vaccinated people.

The CDM (Council of Ministers)  has not approved any measures that include the obligation to use masks outdoors. But on the other hand, prosecutors and mayors are already adopting it in various areas of Italy.

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The extension of the state of emergency postpones to March 31 the possibility of limiting the movement of people, “on specific parts of the national territory or, if necessary, on the whole of it”: from the closure of roads and parks, cinemas and theaters, to stop at ceremonies, until lockdown and quarantine “To those who have had contacts” at risk. The draft also provides for the extension of the rule that establishes the criteria for the white, yellow, orange and red areas.

It is therefore reasonable to assume that even one of the most will be postponed hateful impositions aimed at vaccinating over 12s: the obligation to get on trains, subways and local buses with a basic Green Pass obtainable with vaccination, recovery from Covid in the last 6 months or rapid molecular or antigenic swab at a controlled cost of 8 euros (instead of 15), with a nice cost and inconvenience especially for poor families of parents or No Vax children. But the confirmation of this unfortunate eventuality can only be obtained after the publication of the official text.

Until March 31, 2022, parental leave is extended to 50% for parents with children in quarantine due to Covid and the possibility of smart working for fragile workers is also extended. The draft of the dl on Covid foresees it.

TOTALITARIANISM, FEAR, PSYOP OF MASS’ HYPNOSIS. For Forcing Parents in Vaccinating their Sons

With ministerial decree, “to be adopted within thirty days, chronic diseases with low clinical compensation and with particular gravity connotations are identified, in the presence of which, until March 31, 2022, the work performance is normally carried out in an agile way, also through the assignment to different duties, and specific professional training activities are carried out remotely “.

“I disagree with the extension of the state of emergency: if it lasts more than two years it is a logical and linguistic contradiction. I believe that the government today must be able to fight the epidemic by restoring rights. A problem for democracy begins to arise. We at FdI remained the only ones to defend the Constitution ”. Thus the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni interviewed by Venanzio Postiglione, deputy director of Corriere, on

It is therefore evident that through mass hypnosis aimed at sowing fear in the population we want to continue to impose vaccines which up to now have been ineffective, so much so that multiple restrictions are also needed for vaccinated people.

This is the result of an international financial intrigue of the New World Order starting from the Pfizer to get to Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs and the World Economic Forum by Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab.


But above all of a wave of Nazi-Communist inspired totalitarianism that the Democratic Party of Italy and the USA has started since 2014 with the 12 compulsory vaccines for school-age minors imposed by Pfizer to get to Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs and the World Economic Forum by Great Reset architect Klaus Schwab.

A diabolical plan he is makingndo get off Italy, like other countries of the worldI give, towards a sanitary hell, for the many cases of adverse reactions, even fatal, caused by vaccines, economic, with great deals from the ‘Ndrangheta, the most powerful, and obviously psycho-social mafia.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
prohibition of reproduction without authorization 
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32,649 Deaths 3,003,296 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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