BOMBSHELL: mRNA COVID jabs can Damage Children’s Immune Response to OTHER Viruses as well, Study finds

BOMBSHELL: mRNA COVID jabs can Damage Children’s Immune Response to OTHER Viruses as well, Study finds


In the cover image a vaccinated child then affected by Herpes Zoster or shingles (Gospa News report below)

by Ethan Huff – originally published on Natural News

All the links to Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the multiple correlations with the topics covered.


New research published in the journal Frontiers in Immunologyshows that children who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) now suffer from a form of AIDS that has left their weakened immune systems prone to catching not just COVID but also all sorts of other viruses and bacteria.

Within weeks after getting a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA shot, children begin to develop progressively weakened immunity to the point that they eventually succumb to whatever diseases they happen to encounter while simply living their normal lives.

“Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu

In such scenarios, unvaccinated children with strong and healthy immune systems will be just fine. Meanwhile, those who got jabbed and now have broken immunity will be like walking disease carriers.

“Our study showed that, in children, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination decreases inflammatory cytokine responses,” the authors wrote. (Related: Studies show that the spike proteins in COVID jabs embed themselves in brain tissue, triggering long-term brain damage.)

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Is gaining fake protection against COVID from mRNA shots really worth destroying your entire immune system?

Fortunately for kids, the immune response to bacteria does eventually return to normal. For viruses, though, the researchers observed that broken immunity lasts for at least six months, this being the total duration of their study period.

Had the study gone beyond just six months, chances are the researchers would have discovered that the children’s weakened immunity to viruses lasts much longer – perhaps permanently.

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Cytokines, by the way, are critical to proper immune function. Interferon, which is just one example of an immune system cytokine, helps the body to attack and neutralize viruses and other foreign invaders.

A widely cited paper published in the journal Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology states right in the first line of its abstract that:

“Interferons (IFNs) are a broad class of cytokines elicited on challenge to the host defense and are essential for mobilizing immune responses to pathogens.”

Concerning the Frontiers in Immunology study, it was admittedly small, including just 29 children aged 6-11 at the first post-jab checkpoint, and just eight children at the six-month sample period.

Inflammatory Nanoparticles of mRNA Vaccine Change the Immune System (in Sons too). Warning by a Thomas Jefferson University Study

“Further, the study’s short size and tiny number of participants meant the researchers could not correlate real-world clinical outcomes – such as increased severity of infections – with the diminished immune responses,” notes Alex Berenson on his Substack.

Like with other studies on this subject, the authors were also very careful to tiptoe around their findings, pretending as though they do not have any real implications concerning the safety or effectiveness of Fauci Flu shots.

As usual, the conclusion of the paper was vaguely non-definitive, stating that “further research and consideration” is needed “given their broad public health implications.”

“Vaccines Kill above all Young Males”. Chilling Letter by 73 British Doctors Tweeted by Nobel prize M. Lewitt

In other words, it would be too politically incorrect to suggest that COVID jabs are in any way dangerous, especially for children, so the authors made sure not to make such a suggestion – but outside doctors and physicians were much more forthcoming about what they read from the paper.

“My read on this paper is that it [mRNA vaccination] may in fact cause not just a short-term vulnerability to bacterial and viral infection in children, but it might cause a long-term immune deficiency,” one physician said, adding that he is worried public health officials will simply ignore the findings like they usually do.

“Just see how the authors sidestep their own findings. The authors won’t even bluntly state that it appears that the mRNA shot caused a persistent immune deficiency in children. Their conclusion is it ‘alters’ the cytokine response. This is the amount of courage in medicine.”

by Ethan Huff – originally published on Natural News

All the links to Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the multiple correlations with the topics covered.

COVID jabs kill. Learn more at

Sources for this article include:

African Population and Children as Guinea-Pigs for Pentagon, Metabiota (Bidens) & Gates Experiments on Virus, Vaccines

Growing Number of Leprosy Cases Reported After COVID-19 Vaccination

Biden’s Evil Circus on Promotion of Dangerous mRNA Covid Vaccines reopens Worldwide

CDC Adds Dangerous Bivalent COVID Shots to their Childhood Immunization Schedule despite Many Lethal Adverse Reactions

Scandal on Vaccines for Children: GSK (Pfizer Partner) Funded with $18thousand a Member of CDC who Approved the Jabs since 5yo


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