To Protect Zelensky’s Azov Battalion US, Italy and German Oppose to UN antiNazism Resolution

To Protect Zelensky’s Azov Battalion US, Italy and German Oppose to UN antiNazism Resolution


by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


Once again some NATO nations voted against a UN resolution which was nevertheless passed – with 118 votes in favor – to condemn the glorification of Nazism.

Among these there are precisely those states such as Germany, Italy and Spain which have seen their history marked by the dictatorship of NaziFascism and those such as Ukraine and the USA which were accomplices of Adolph Hitler, the country of Europe the East by carrying out a massacre of 1.6 million Jews, the North American one through the Rockefellers’ financing of the Fuhrer’s chemical industries.

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There are three reasons why apparently democratic countries have taken this drastic and anachronistic position. Firstly because the resolution was presented by Russia which has repeatedly denounced, without success, the crimes committed in the pro-Russian Donbass by the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion, the infamous paramilitary group officially part of the Ukrainian National Guard directed by the Ministry of the Interior in Kiev, instead it was designated as a terroristic organization by Moscow Supreme Court.

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Precisely for this reason, the second motivation is Ukraine’s desire to deny the violations of human rights and war crimes for which the right-wing extremists of Azov were also denounced by Amnesty International to the International Criminal Court (ICC) without that no measure has ever been taken by the latter.

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The USA and Germany, among the main suppliers of military aid to the pro-Nazi regime of President Volodymyr Zelensky, cannot therefore run the risk that a UN resolution could call into question the ideologies of one of the most legendary Ukrainian military forces.

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But even Italy, which in turn granted war material for Ukraine for a colossal business of the Weapons Lobby of which the current Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto was representative, has the same fear as the ideologue of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and his Fratelli d’Italia party, undersecretary Giovanbattista Fazzolari, has on more than one occasion hailed as heroes the militants of the Azov Battalion, tattooed with Nazi and Satanist symbols.

The CIA Training of Azov Battalion

Finally, the deepest reason is that the American counter-intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency has been feeding Stephan Bandera’s far-right formations for decades, including the lesser-known C-14, and after the bloody 2014 coup in Kiev financed by George Soros and some embassies of NATO countries and prepared by the Anglo-American intelligence (CIA and British MI6) trained the Azov Battalion through the Ground Branch special department.

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All this is so well known that it was the subject of a dossier by Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus of the Holy See in the USA.

All this occurred despite the historical gravity of the Holocaust in Ukraine, which occurred between 1941 and 1944, with the mass extermination of approximately 1.6 million Jews living in the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and with the strong participation of Ukrainian collaborators.

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The Holocaust in Ukraine

The killings occurred in Ukraine because most Soviet Jews before World War II lived in the so-called “Settlement Zone”, of which Ukraine was the largest part. The extermination took place in Reichskommissariat Ukraine, the General Governorate, the General Governorate of Crimea and in some areas under military control to the east of Reichskommissariat Ukraine, which were also subjected to Nazi Germany, and also in the Transnistria Governorate and Northern Bukovina (both occupied and the latter annexed to Romania) and Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia (then part of Hungary) in the Second World War. The listed areas are today part of Ukraine.

Ukrainians who collaborated with the Nazis did so in various ways: through participation in the local administration, in the German-supervised auxiliary police, in the Schutzmannschaft, in the German army, and by serving as concentration camp guards. The auxiliaries of the Ukrainian police “had been involved in the preparations for the Babij Yar massacre”.

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Babij Yar is the name of a moat near the Ukrainian city of Kiev. The place is sadly known for having been, during the Second World War, a site of massacres by the Nazis and Ukrainian collaborators against the local population. Particularly documented and well-known among these massacres was the one carried out between 29 and 30 September 1941, in which 33,771 Kiev Jews died.

All this explains Russia’s desire to obtain a unanimous condemnation of Nazism and its new glorification that is taking place with the war in Ukraine.

Almost 50 countries voted against the Russia-proposed text

by Russia Today

The UN General Assembly has adopted a Russian-drafted resolution on combating glorification of Nazism in a 118-49 vote, with 14 member states abstaining on Tuesday. The resolution calls on UN members to take appropriate action to counter historical revisionism and the denial of crimes against humanity committed during World War II.

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Moscow has proposed the resolution every year for nearly two decades, urging the UN to combat the “glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

In a vote on Tuesday, dozens of UN member states expressed opposition to the proposal, including the US, UK, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and a handful of others.

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The final vote on Tuesday afternoon was 118 in favor, 49 opposed and 14 abstaining, according to media reports. The UN has yet to publish the full details of the session.

“A group of Western countries has attempted to turn the Russian initiative into a political, country-specific document,” saidRussia’s deputy permanent representative, Maria Zabolotskaya. “If one finds its problems reflected in the resolution, then it is important to work with these problems, and not try to undermine cooperation in the field of countering neo-Nazism, racism and xenophobia.”

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Nevertheless, the results of the vote “speak for themselves,” Zabolotskaya added, expressing gratitude to the delegations that voted in support, including China, Brazil, Israel and scores of others.

Back in 2021, the resolution was opposed by just two states, the US and Ukraine, while 49 others abstained, mainly Washington’s allies. However, in 2022, instead of abstaining, the collective West, including former Axis powers Germany, Italy, Austria and Japan, voted for the first time against the Russian-proposed text.

read more: Ukraine must copy 1944 Nazi Germany – retired US general

originally published by Russia Today

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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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