IRAN ready to NUCLEAR CHALLENGE vs ISRAEL thanks to RUSSIAN NUKES. Putin met Pezeshkian: “Very Close to Teheran”

IRAN ready to NUCLEAR CHALLENGE vs ISRAEL thanks to RUSSIAN NUKES. Putin met Pezeshkian: “Very Close to Teheran”


In the cover image Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian and Russian one Vladimir Putin at the meeting in Turkmenistan

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


In the cover image Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian and Russian one Vladimir Putin at the meeting in Turkmenistan

On the very day in which the UN is increasingly unprepared to face the Zionist criminal Netanyahu in his military attack against its one UNIFIL force in Lebanon, supported by the United States of America, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian saying they have many visions in common on the geopolitical problems and ongoing conflicts.

Very diplomatic but emblematic words in light of the authorization granted by US President Biden to Tel Aviv to attack Iran in retaliation for the hundreds of missiles and drones fired by Tehran against (and mostly hit) in response to the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Iran’s Nuclear Test or Natural Earthquake?

If there is any doubt as to whether and how many nuclear warheads the Iranians possess, there is the certainty that the Russians have a few thousand more than Israel!

From the smile of the Iranian head of state in the photo with Putin, it is reasonable to assume that Moscow is ready to militarily help Tehran even in the event of a nuclear escalation.

FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds

For all these reasons, it is very likely that Prime Minister Netanyahu will think carefully before raising the level of the missile battle and his nuclear weapons will therefore prove to be an insufficient deterrent.

Unless the now semi-demented Biden, who is shooting the last bullets of his ignoble life to earn rewards from the New World Order Weapons Lobby, has already assured him that he is ready to use the nuclear missiles positioned in Europe and in particular in Italy.

Update – “TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on BIDEN’s US Policies in Ukraine and Middle East. Moscow: “Outrageous Harris”

In that case, perhaps, it will even be difficult for us to tell the details because in the Middle East, in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Old Continent we will all be enveloped in the radioactive dust of a nuclear catastrophe foretold by Russia…

Israeli Army continues genocide also in Lebanon Attackyng even UN Peacekeaper

The Israeli Army continues the strategy of genocide also in Lebanon, after having applied it in Gaza to obtain the depopulation of the Strip, thanks to the formal support of the USA of the Biden-Harris administration that has legitimized the invasion of a foreign country with the excuse of hitting the Military Brigade of the Hezbollah party (regularly elected in the Lebanese national assembly).

But it raises the tone by attacking Italian UNIFIL bases, the peacekeeping force of the UN Blue Helmets of 40 nations, positioned in the border area to avoid the entry of Israeli tanks but not being authorized to engage in a firefight.

Italian Base in the UNIFIL HQ of Naqoura

Two military post were hit with damages to the fence walls, the watchtowers and the control cameras. Yesterday two Indonesian soldiers were injured, today 5 Sinhalese in reconnaissance positions. Most of the soldiers have been almost all forced to take refuge in bunkers since many days.

Christians Maronite Bishops blamed Israeli Aggression in Lebanon

The international protest to the action of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was immediate. Israeli is justifying his diabolical action, through the ambassador to the UN Security Council, stating that he had warned UNIFIL to move its peacekeeping troops.

Even from historical allies of the Zionist regime such as the pro-Masonic politicians of Italy which continued to supply weapons to Tel Aviveven in the face of the genocide of Palestinians

LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU

Condemnation and indignation also came from Russia which for months can be considered “a former ally of Israel” having expressed repeated blame for multiple actions of Netanyahu in violation of human rights.

This follows the protest of the Russian ambassador to the UN for the proposed Israeli law that wants to ban the activities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Russia expresses indignation at Israeli attacks on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

Russia is indignant at recent Israeli attacks on positions of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and asks Israel to refrain from such hostile actions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Moscow is indignant at the actions of the Israeli military. Russia calls for refraining from any hostile action toward UNIFIL peacekeepers, currently on a mission in Lebanon in line with the existing mandate of the UN Security Council, as it expresses support and wishes of a speedy recovery to those wounded,” the statement reads.

UNIFIL Bases in Lebanon

UNIFIL said on Thursday two of its peacekeepers were injured as an Israeli tank fired at a guard tower at the group’s headquarters near the Lebanese Army’s position in the same town. Also, the Israeli soldiers attacked the entrance to the bunker where peacekeepers were sheltering near the village of Labbouneh. Patrol vehicles, a power line and a communications system were damaged in the attack.

NUOVI Attacchi a Basi UNIFIL in Libano. NETANYAHU SPARA IN FACCIA ALL’ITALIA CHE LO ARMA. Giusta Nemesi per il Governo Sionista Meloni

“Any deliberate attack on peacekeepers is a grave violation of international humanitarian law and of Security Council resolution 1701,” the UN peacekeeping force said in a statement on Thursday.

Russian, Iranian positions on international events very often close — Putin

Iran-Russia relations are strategic and sincere and bilateral cooperation is strengthening every day, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said at a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan.

“Iran-Russia relations are strategic and sincere. Our cooperation is getting stronger day by day in economic and cultural fields,” the presidential press service quoted the leader as saying.

This is Putin’s first meeting with Pezeshkian since he took office as Iran’s president. It was held in Ashgabat on the sidelines of the Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – Basis of Peace and Development international forum, which is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Makhtumkuli Fraghi.

Russia and Iran are actively working together on the international arena and are often similar in their assessments of events, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

“We are actively working together on the international arena and our assessments of current events in the world are often very close,” Putin emphasized at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Masoud Pezeshkian.

The Guardian: “ESCALATION with IRAN coul be RISKY: Israel is more Vulnerable than it seems”

This is the first meeting between the two presidents. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said earlier that the sides will discuss bilateral issues as well as the situation in the Middle East.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk, Kremlin Aide Yury Ushakov, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin are taking part in the talks from the Russian side.

Iranian president: “Europe, US not interested in de-escalation in Middle East”

European countries and the United States don’t want to see peace and tranquility in the Middle East, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said.

“European countries and the United States don’t want relations between countries [in the Middle East] to develop peacefully,” his press service quoted him as saying at a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

According to the Iranian president, the situation in the region has escalated dramatically because Israel doesn’t recognize “any international legal and humanitarian standards.”

US OK TO ISRAELI INVASION IN LEBANON. BIDEN forces MIDDLE EAST toward HUGE WAR. To Engage Moscow and Weaken the Russian Army in Ukraine

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on October 4 that the United States and its allies are backing Israel in the conflicts in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon only to get their hands on the Middle East’s resources.

Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 after militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion on Israeli territory, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 250 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria, as well as a ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank.

Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip

Israel has been delivering massive airstrikes on Hezbollah military targets in Lebanon since September 23, when it launched Operation Northern Arrows. Israel’s declared goal is to create safe conditions in the country’s northern areas so that tens of thousands of local residents could return to their homes. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was reportedly killed in Israel’s strike on Beirut on September 27. In the early hours on October 1, Israel announced the launch of a ground operation in Lebanon’s border areas.

Iran won’t go to war with US — IRGC commander’s advisor

Israel would like nothing more than to see a full-on war between Iran and the United States but Tehran won’t give it the satisfaction, General Hossein Daghighi, a top advisor to the chief commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said.

“A war between Iran and the United States is one of the long-cherished goals of the Zionist regime (Israel – TASS), but today, the Zionist regime is in a very weak and fragile state. A war on Iran is inadmissible and we reassure the Iranian people that the Islamic republic’s armed forces are strong and are keeping an ear to the ground,” the Tasmin agency quoted him as saying.

How Iranian FATTAH-1 Hypersonic Missiles Penetrated Israel’s Air Defense System. Damages Pics

“Security is a redline for Iran. The Zionist regime will inevitably be defeated and Iran will win,” he stressed, adding that the October 1 missile attack on Israel has disabled Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system. He warned that new attacks on Israel will be “more crushing.”

Commenting on reports in the Western media about the “disappearance” of Iranian Quds Force commander Esmail Qaani after the Israeli attack on Beirut two weeks ago, Daghighi said, “Iran is a strong and powerful country and we must fend off enemy rumors and psychological warfare, and the mass media play an important and effective role in this.” “His absence means that he is focused on implementing the duties of the Islamic republic’s armed forces,” the general said.

Russian diplomat: “Israel’s bills banning UNRWA activities cause concern”

Israeli bills banning activities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) cause concerns and perplexity,

since if passed, they would compromise aid deliveries not only to people in the Gaza Strip but also to refugees in neighboring countries, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.

“Of special concern and perplexity are two bills – on banning activities in Israel and on stripping employees of their immunity – that are being by the Knesset’s (Israeli parliament – TASS) foreign security policy commission,” he said at a UN Security Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

“In case these bills are passed into laws, further activities in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as well as prospects for delivering aid to Palestinian refugees in neighboring Arab countries will be jeopardized.”

Israel Bombed around 21 Schools sheltering displaced Gazans since August: Rights group


The Russian diplomat stressed that such a move would constitute a violation of the UN Charter and “will have the most negative consequences both for the Middle East and the entire UN system.”

“As a matter of fact, Israel claims to have the right to impose arbitrary bans on the activities of UN specialized agencies. Colleagues, we cannot allow this to happen,” he stressed.

Earlier in October, the Knesset foreign affairs and security commission approved the bill banning UNRWA in the country. The bill bans Israeli officials from meeting with UNRWA employees, issuing visas to them or granting economic privileges. Apart from that, Israel’s authorities plan to initiate criminal cases against UNRWA employees suspected of being involved in terrorist activities.

UNRWA chief says agency is under unprecedented attacks

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) “has never, ever been as much under assault and attack,” the agency’s Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, said.“A year ago, it was primarily a financial existential threat, but today it’s a combination of a political and financial threat. 2025 will be, again, a difficult year,”

he told Reuters, adding that at the beginning of the next year there will be more clarity about whether the United States would resume financing.

Western Retaliation on UNRWA Agency in Gaza due to 12 Employees (among 13,000) have supported Hamas Attack on Social

Earlier in October, the Knesset foreign affairs and security commission approved the bill banning UNRWA in the country. The bill bans Israeli officials from meeting with UNRWA employees, issuing visas to them or granting economic privileges. Apart from that, Israel’s authorities plan to initiate criminal cases against UNRWA employees suspected of being involved in terrorist activities.

Earlier, Lazzarini instructed to fire several UNRWA employees who were suspected of being involved in the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023, when many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border were killed and more than 250 Israelis were abducted.




150 US Nuclear Weapons in Europe but Moscow Holds more Atomic Warheads in the World and the New Powerful Russian Sarmat ICBM

FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.



Putin insieme a Pezeshkian: “Ora molto vicino all’Iran”

il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha incontrato il presidente iraniano Masoud Pezeshkian dicendo di avere molte visioni in comune sui problemi geopolitici e sui conflitti in corso.

Parole molto diplomatiche ma emblematiche alla luce dell’autorizzazione concessa dal presidente americano Biden a Tel Aviv per attaccare l’Iran in rappresaglia per le centinaia di missili e droni lanciati da Teheran contro (e in gran parte colpiti) in risposta all’uccisione del leader di Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah.

Dal sorriso del capo di stato iraniano nella foto con Putin, è ragionevole supporre che Mosca sia pronta ad aiutare militarmente Teheran anche in caso di escalation nucleare.

Se c’è qualche dubbio sul fatto se e quante testate nucleari possiedano gli iraniani, c’è la certezza che i russi ne hanno qualche migliaio in più di Israele!

Per tutti questi motivi è assai probabile che il premier Netanyahu rifletterà bene prima di alzare il livello della vbattaglia missilistica e le sue armi nucleari si rivelranno pertanto un deterrente insufficiente.

A meno che l’ormai semi-demente Biden, che sta sparando le ultime cartucce della sua ignobile vita per guadagnarsi i premi dalla Lobby delle Armi del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, non gli abbia già garantito di essere pronto a usare i missili nucleari posizionati in Europa e in particolare in Italia.

In tal caso, forse, ci sarà persino difficile raccontarne i dettagli perchè in Medio Oriente, nel Mar Mediterraneo e nel Vecchio Continente saremo tutti avvolti dalla polvere radioattiva di una catastrofe nucleare preannunciata dalla Russia…

L’esercito israeliano continua la strategia del genocidio anche in Libano, dopo averla applicata a Gaza per ottenere lo spopolamento della Striscia, grazie al formale appoggio degli USA dell’amministrazione Biden-Harris che ha legittimato l’invasione di un paese straniero con la scusa di colpire la Brigata militare del partito Hezbollah (regolarmente eletta nell’assemblea nazionale libanese).

Ma alza i toni attaccando le basi italiane UNIFIL, la forza di peacekeeping dei Caschi Blu ONU di 40 nazioni, posizionata nella zona di confine per evitare l’ingresso dei carri armati israeliani ma non autorizzata a ingaggiare uno scontro a fuoco.

NUOVI Attacchi a Basi UNIFIL in Libano. NETANYAHU SPARA IN FACCIA ALL’ITALIA CHE LO ARMA. Giusta Nemesi per il Governo Sionista Meloni

Colpite due postazioni militari con danni ai muri di recinzione, alle torrette di guardia e alle telecamere di controllo. Ieri sono rimasti feriti due soldati indonesiani, oggi 5 cingalesi in postazioni di ricognizione. La maggior parte dei soldati è stata quasi tutta costretta a rifugiarsi per la maggior parte della giornata nei bunker da molti giorni.

Immediata la protesta internazionale all’azione del premier Benjamin Netanyahu. L’israeliano giustifica la sua azione diabolica, tramite l’ambasciatore al Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU, affermando di aver intimato all’UNIFIL di spostare le sue truppe di peacekeeping.

Anche da alleati storici del regime sionista come i politici filo-massonici dell’Italia che hanno continuato a fornire armi a Tel Aviv anche di fronte al genocidio dei palestinesi

Condanna e indignazione sono arrivate anche dalla Russia che da mesi può essere considerata “un ex alleato di Israele” avendo ripetutamente espresso la colpa per le molteplici azioni di Netanyahu in violazione dei diritti umani.

Questo segue la protesta dell’ambasciatore russo all’ONU per la proposta di legge israeliana che vuole vietare le attività dell’Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per il soccorso e l’occupazione dei rifugiati palestinesi nel Vicino Oriente (UNRWA).

LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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