Exclusive from Lebanon! “ISRAEL HIT EVEN UNIFIL WATER TANKS“. Cry of Terror by UN Peacekeeper from Besieged Bunker

Exclusive from Lebanon! “ISRAEL HIT EVEN UNIFIL WATER TANKS“. Cry of Terror by UN Peacekeeper from Besieged Bunker


In the cover image, the turret of one of the Italian Unifi bases in Lebanon hit by a cannon shot from an Israeli tank. Italian soldiers take refuge in a bunker

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio – director of Gospa News International

All posts in Italian linked inside thi one can be read in English or other languages thanks to machine translation available clicking on the flags


«We thought that the threat was only Hezbollah, but unfortunately that is not the case».

The words that a Blue Helmet (peacekeeper) of the Sassari Brigade of the Italian Army sent from the bunker to a former soldier friend from Lombardy are a mixture of bitterness, anguish and terror. The latter was kind enough to pass them on to us, allowing us to understand the gravity of the scenario of a real war around and against the Italian bases of the UNIFIL peace operation conducted under the aegis of the UN.

You don’t have to be clever to understand that his sentence is addressed to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that yesterday with two tanks disfigured Italy and the United Nations by knocking down the fence of the UNIFIL military post in Ramiya after opening fire, causing the wounding of 15 Ghanaian soldiers.

At this time the Command of the Mission Headquarters is entrusted to the Italian military.

Carri Armati Israeliani Penetrano in Base UNIFIL in Libano: Feriti. NETANYAHU SPARA IN FACCIA ALL’ITALIA CHE LO ARMA. Giusta Nemesi per il Governo Sionista Meloni

The Israeli army thus wanted to reiterate the concept already repeated by all of Tel Aviv’s diplomacy to the UN and journalists and later by the spokesman of the despotic and genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu: “The Blue Helmets must leave Lebanon because Hezbollah uses the bases as protection” and the soldiers of 40 nations as “human shields”.

Nothing could be more false. Given that with the excuse of tracking down Hamas and its weapons, the diabolical Zionist who leads Israel has destroyed 21 schools in Gaza in a month, killing and mutilating tens of thousands of children, so much so as to appear more ruthless than his idol Adolf Hitler.

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Since the West did not stop him in time in the genocide of civilians in the Strip aimed at depopulation even when “Bibi” then attacked the West Bank, controlled by the Palestinian National Authority recognized by the UN, it is inevitable that he is applying the same strategy in Lebanon, where over 2 million Christian inhabitants live far from the logic of the pro-Iranian Shiite Islamic paramilitaries of the military Birigata of Hezbollah (a party regularly elected to the national assembly).

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The dramatic situation of the Blue Helmets besieged by IDF tanks in the bunkers where they are taking refuge at risk of starvation (as highlighted in the previous article by Piero Angelo De Ruvo who did two missions in Lebanon) is eloquently evident from the outburst of the soldier of the Sassari Brigade in the messages sent to his former colleague obviously recommending that he keep his identity anonymous.

8 Messages from Lebanon that are worth more than an Interview

This is precisely why we cannot even reveal our military source, whom we know well for his international missions and his professional seriousness, even in sharing with us only information that cannot jeopardize national security.

SOS LIBANO: SOLDATI ITALIANI NEI BUNKER A RISCHIO FAME. Cibo di Razioni K sta Finendo. Isolati dall’Assedio dei Tank Israeliani

The cry of indignation, disappointment and sadness was condensed into 8 short messages sent in the space of just one minute this morning; but it is worth more than an hour-long interview.

«“Hi… the situation is quite particular, we have lived the last few days truly in terror, they have fired at us at the base both with light ammunition and with rockets and missiles 120 of the Merkava fortunately not directed”.

The Merkava is a tank designed and produced in Israel and supplied to the Israeli armored corps of the IDF. We have left the messages in the original version without correcting small errors in order not to adulterate them.

“They shot at the means of transport, the water tanks, the hot water panels, they shot at man height and towards their bunkers, they set fire to a part of the base”.

The UNP 131 Post in a satellite screenshot taken by us with Google maps

Here is the confirmation of our previous scoop that the Italian Army soldiers are not only risking hunger due to the extreme difficulty of supplies but even thirst!!!

“It seems today that Israel is apologizing for what it has done and that someone will pay, they took our lighthouses, the radio links and they shot us towards the bunker where we were, the one in 1-31, they basically had it worse, they practically seized them. And they took out all the cameras”.

“Now they are flying over us with drones, the small ones are coming to see us, I don’t know why. I just hope that they are monitoring us to have security and to know that we are safe when they have to operate nearby”.

Netanyahu calls on UN chief to withdraw peacekeepers from Lebanon

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has addressed UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres with a demand to immediately withdraw the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) peacekeepers from the combat zone near the Lebanon-Israel border.

“Mr. Secretary General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way. It should be done right now, immediately,” Netanyahu said in a video message released by the prime minister’s office.

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According to him, if the UN peacekeepers remain in their positions, they will become “hostages” of armed units of Lebanon’s Shia group Hezbollah, against whom the actions of Israeli troops are directed.

“The Israel Defense Forces have repeatedly made this request (to withdraw the peacekeepers – TASS), but were refused, and this was aimed at providing Hezbollah terrorists with a human shield. Your refusal to evacuate the UNIFIL soldiers makes them hostages of Hezbollah. This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers,” the prime minister emphasized.

Also Russia condemned indignated Israeli aggression against UN military sytongholds.

The Necessary Withdrawal of Troops from the UNIFIL Mission

In military circles, rumors are spreading that the Ministry of Defense is ready to recall the Sassari Brigade, giving in to Netanyahu’s blackmail.

The silence that fell on RAI news at lunchtime gives credence to this hypothesis. Even though official statements to the contrary are coming from Unifil.

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If it were true, it would be clear that Minister Guido Crosetto intends to manage the operation quietly so as not to take back his empty intimidations to the Israeli Prime Minister, which have worsened the attacks against the Sassari Brigade’s positions.

Crosetto had already aired this possibility in less tense moments and it certainly makes no sense to leave Italian and foreign soldiers there who do not have the vehicles and weapons necessary to engage in a real battle. This is why I was the first to call for the solution of withdrawing both Italian and foreign troops.

The Controversy Over the Weapons Italians Supplied to Israel

Returning to the battlefield where Israeli troops are clashing against Kata’ib Hezbollah (the Military Brigade of the Party of God), before reporting the statements of the Italian UNIFIL spokesperson, let’s see the most salient news.

A series of incendiary explosive devices, positioned along the road that leads to the advanced operating base UNP 1-32A, in southern Lebanon, was identified this morning by a patrol of the Italian contingent of UNIFIL during a logistical movement.

“Since October 7 of last year, we have blocked all contracts regarding the sale of weapons to Israel. There is no longer a contract that authorizes the sale of weapons. Therefore, no more have been given,” clarified Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Berlin, answering journalists.

LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU

“When asked whether there are Italian weapons on the Israeli ships that are attacking Lebanon, Tajani replied: “If they are weapons sold in the past, I don’t know. But we have not sold any more”» adds RAI News, Italian national TV.

But RAI News itself had published a very detailed investigation taken up almost exclusively by Gospa News, which denied it two months ago, even before this comment today.

The Unifil Spokesperson: “Deliberate Attacks. Let’s Stay in Lebanon”

The “deliberate attacks” on UNIFIL peacekeepers “are also a violation of international law”.

This was stated by the spokesperson for the UN peacekeeping force in South Lebanon, Andrea Tenenti, to the United Nations news website UN News. Tenenti described the situation in the region as “extremely worrying”, “with attacks on our troops” and “after the Israel Defense Forces asked us to withdraw”.

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The spokesperson reiterated that “UNIFIL remains. We took the decision because we are in South Lebanon under a mandate from the Security Council, and it is therefore important to maintain an international presence and that the UN flag remains in the region”.

Tenenti added that UNIFIL’s presence in South Lebanon “is more crucial than ever” in light of the rising tensions. “It is important to remain or to monitor the situation and report to the Security Council”, said the UNIFIL spokesperson, admitting however that “monitoring capabilities at this time are limited due to the bombings”.

FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds

Obviously it is certainly not Tenenti who decides also for the Meloni Government that is probably trying to save face after having boasted for a year a shamefully pro-Zionist position like the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.

On the other hand, Italian politics today is more than ever the heir of that triad that has conditioned the Boot since the Allied Landing of July 1943 onwards: that is, the Anglo-American Secret Services and Freemasonry, which favored the rise of the Zionist Lobby..

The real people responsible for the escalation in Lebanon are in fact the USA of Biden-Harris who have legitimized the ground invasion and have now committed to providing Tel Aviv with the latest generation American THAAD missile systems in view of a retaliation against Iran that would be deadly due to the support already expressed by Russia to Tehran…

You can easily guess the third subject of the triad but in case you can find it in the latest investigation Freemasonry and Zionism – 2.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio – director of Gospa News International
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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