SINWAR: another GHOST KILLING after Bin Landen and Al Baghdadi. Mystery on the Death of Hamas Leader announced by Israel

SINWAR: another GHOST KILLING after Bin Landen and Al Baghdadi. Mystery on the Death of Hamas Leader announced by Israel


by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


“A photo has been published showing IDF soldiers carrying the alleged body of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar from the building where he was killed in the city of Rafah, in southern Gaza.”

The first to doubt that the black body bag really contains the body of the leader of the terrorist organization responsible for the attack on October 7, 2023, at the Supernova rave party and on the Kibbutzim of Israeli settlements in the illegally occupied territories in Palestine, is the prestigious multilingual online newspaper The Times of Israel, founded in 2012 by Israeli journalist David Horovitz and American Jewish billionaire investor Seth Klarman.

The alleged corpse of Yahya Sinwar

The story brings to mind the mysterious killings of the head of Al Qaeda, the Saudi sheik Osama Bin Laden, and the creator of ISIS, the caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

Therefore, the suspected elimination of the political leadership of Hamas could be a cover-up operation for his disappearance orchestrated by Zionist and Western intelligence as in the two previous cases, making even his own militants and their allies believe that he is really dead.

The Mysterious Disappearances of Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi

For the mainstream media, these two acclaimed leaders of terrorist organizations declared as such by the UN (unlike Hamas which is only declared as such by Israel, the USA, the European Union and other countries) were annihilated in surgical military operations by US special forces.

But for the counter-information that like Gospa News deals with geopolitics and intelligence by analyzing all authoritative and documentary sources and not only the Western narrative, there is a very well-founded doubt that both were not killed but made to disappear by the American counter-espionage of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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The CIA, together with its infamous counterparts from the Israeli MOSSAD, has in fact used the first for the jihadist campaign that exacerbated the Balkan war in Bosnia and for the attacks of September 11, 2001 that allowed George Bush Jr. to start the war in Afghanistan, relaunching the arms market suffering from the pacifist propaganda of the globetrotting Pope Saint John Paul II.

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While it piloted the second in the conquests of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria that, together with the Color Revolutions financed by George Soros and USAID (a government agency considered a CIA financial instrument for regime-change) fomented the Arab Springs started by the Obama-Biden administration in 2011.

In fact, there are photos of the corpses of the dictators of Iraq and Libya, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. There are no photos of those of Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi!

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While the elimination of Osama was conducted on May 2, 2011 when satellite technologies were less sophisticated, that of Al Baghdadi, on which we have published various reports, would have occurred on October 27, 2019 in Barisha (Syria).

The conditional is a must because Russia, which together with the Quds Forces of the Iranian Pasdaran (Guards of the Islamic Republic) and the army of the Syrian Democratic Forces with a Kurdish majority (SDF) defeated ISIS in the country, has highlighted that it has not recorded movements of planes or drones at the site of the alleged attack.


Summarizing these curious and anomalous circumstances, let’s see why the killing of Yahya Sinwar could also be another fake news to make a probable infiltrator of the MOSSAD and the CIA in Hamas disappear.

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We are including the news of his killing in the end for the sake of information, although we doubt its accuracy and validity.

“Unverified and extremely shocking images circulating online on Thursday allegedly show Sinwar’s body partially buried in debris. The body showed signs of multiple blast trauma, as well as an apparent gunshot wound to the head. According to media reports, the body was taken by the military to a lab for DNA testing,” RT (formerly Russia Today) reports in English.

The Israel Defense Forces also released a video recorded by a drone in the alleged hideout of the Hamas leader before he was eliminated.

The video shows a man with his face completely covered by a keffiyeh who could also be an Israeli soldier recruited as an actor.

In fact, neither the moment of the alleged explosion nor that of the IDF military raid is visible.

Here is a summary of the anomalies before explaining the “motive” for this fake operation:

  • He would be the first leader of Hams or Hezbollah, the Party of God elected in the Milanese assembly with its own military Brigade, not to have been killed by massive bombings that caused enormous collateral damage in terms of civilian deaths as in the case of the attack on the bunker of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah.
  • Unlike Nasrallah, whose body was recovered, Sinwar’s corpse will remain in the hands of Israel, which is unlikely to return it to Hamas unless cremated…

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  • “This is the fourth time that the Israeli regime has claimed to have assassinated Sinwar. The Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, has not yet reacted to the Israeli regime’s claims,” ​​writes IRNA, the Iranian government news agency.
  • There is no official image showing the face of the body carried out of the Gaza shelter whose exact location the IDF has not revealed.
  • Why, as various sources report, would he have been hit first with a drone and then with a bullet to the head???

The Good Reasons to Make Sinwar Disappear Without Killing Him

Now let’s look at the most interesting aspect. The motive for the disappearance disguised as a killing.

As we have explained in previous investigations, the attack of October 7, 2023 was not the great success of one of the most important operations of a Palestinian terrorist military movement against Israel but the most historic failure of the anti-terrorism of Tel Aviv intelligence, both of Sin Bet, the internal secret services, and of MOSSAD, the foreign ones, which did not take into minimal consideration the warnings of the Egyptian 007s launched a few days earlier.

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The failure of Aman, the IDF’s military intelligence, was so glaring that 42 survivors of the Supernova massacre sued the government for inefficiency in protecting the borders.

It has been ascertained that among the thousands of Israeli victims, dozens, if not one or two hundred, were exterminated by the “friendly fire” of Tel Aviv’s helicopters that, in order to eliminate Hamss’s jihadists, fired machine gun shots at anything that moved.

Obviously, if the victims had been only 500, the unprecedented gravity of the attack and the subsequent kidnapping would not have changed.

UPDATED: Israel ADMITS that its Helicopters Opened Fire Killing Israeli Civilians during Hamas Attack On 7 October

Sinwar was the man who led the negotiations for a truce for the release of the hostages.

If they had succeeded, they would have forced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop his plan of genocide of the Palestinians aimed at depopulation that he has now begun in Lebanon also against Christians in a silence too deafening from the Vatican after the condemnations of the aggression of the Lebanese Maronite Christian bishops.

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His elimination, therefore, further complicates the negotiation table for the release of the surviving prisoners among the 251 kidnapped. A year later, about 64 are still detained, while 117 have been freed and 70 are confirmed dead, mostly due to the IDF bombings.

The Rise of Hamas and Sinwar Thanks to the US

Born in 1962 in the Khan Yunis refugee camp in the then Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip, his family was expelled or fled from Al-Majdal Asqalan (Ashkelon) during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Sinwar completed his studies at the Islamic University of Gaza, where he earned a degree in Arabic Studies.

Yahya Sinwar

In 1989, Sinwar was sentenced to four life sentences by Israel for orchestrating the kidnapping and killing of two Israeli soldiers and four Palestinians he considered collaborators, but served only 22 years in prison until his release in October 2011, along with 1,026 other Palestinian prisoners, in an agreed-upon exchange for the release of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier kidnapped in 2006.

In 2017, Sinwar was elected to lead Hamas and the following year claimed to be pursuing “peaceful and popular resistance,” a position he later abandoned.

He was re-elected to the same role in 2021, but later that year became the target of an Israeli assassination attempt.

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Unlike Mohammed Deif, nicknamed the Lion of Palestine as a military commander of Hamas, Sinwar has always moved in the shadows, establishing diplomatic relations mainly with Sunni Islamic countries such as Qatar, a financier of various armed resistance movements in Syria and a strategic partner of the Western Arms Lobby with the United Kingdom, Italy and the USA.

The first paradox, therefore, is that the terrorist organization of Hamas, which took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 defeated Fatah, the political and military organization of the Palestinian National Authority, the only entity recognized by the UN, is largely made up of extremist Islamic militants of Sunni faith (such as Al Qaeda and ISIS) although it operates in a country with a very large Shiite majority.

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Precisely in opposition to the Shiites of Syria, Iraq and Iran, Western intelligence has always used Sunni jihadists protected by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, of Sunni Wahhabi confession, a historic ally of the USA that returned to collaborate with Israel after the Abraham Accords wanted by the American president Donald Trump that legitimized Netanyahu’s hegemony in the Syrian Golan Heights and in the occupied territories.

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The agreements between Hamas and Fatah for regular elections sanctioned in 2014 were always thwarted either by sudden Israeli military actions in the occupied territories or by unexpected attacks by Hamas.

The Massacre of October 7, 2023 to Blow Up the Gas Agreement

As we highlighted in the previous investigation, according to authoritative former CIA officials and American parliamentarians, Sinwar’s organization was financed and armed by the USA also through the Israeli Mossad.

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The Hamas attack of October 7, 2023 occurred a few weeks after the historic agreement between Israel, Egypt and Palestine for the exploitation of the very rich Marine Gaza gas field that would have been managed by a Lebanese Christian entrepreneur who owns a very powerful multinational in Arab countries and by Palestinian investment funds.

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It would have cemented a truce for economic reasons between Israelis, Christians and Muslims. This is precisely why Hamas did not want it and Netanyahu pretended to want it.

But he was already harboring the intention to act in order to implement the Zionist extermination plan aimed at the project of “Greater Israel”.

An Attack Piloted by Western 007s Like September 11

This is why the great director of the “false-flag” of October 7, an operation piloted by the MOSSAD and CIA intelligence with extremist jihadists just like September 11, was Sinwar.

This is why, like Bin Laden and Al Baghdadi, he would have been taken out of the scene, given a new identity and a new face, in the most heroic way possible.

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But the fact that 24 hours later PRESS TV, the most important Iranian information network, has not yet written a line could mean that his death will forever remain a mystery like that of the other two leaders of the terrorist organizations created by American intelligence.

Al Baghdadi would have been identified by the US for a pair of underwear, Sinwar for his cell phone… Maybe while he was posting photos of himself on Instagram? Lol…

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Maybe tomorrow there will be official confirmations also from Palestine (which may not be aware of the intelligence exfiltration operation), even if we doubt it.

Believing the Israelis and the Westerners has now become an act of acute stupidity due to the too many lies they tell about military and non-military geopolitical conflicts. Even a former Italian Interpol official says so…

Carlo Domenico Cristofori
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IDF: “Hamas head Sinwar eliminated during operation in Gaza’s south on October 16”

by TASS – Russian News Agency

Head of the Hamas Politburo Yahya Sinwar was eliminated during the operation of the Israeli military in the southern part of the Gaza Strip on October 16, the IDF press office said.

“The IDF and the Shin Bet confirm that, on October 16, 2024, after a year-long pursuit, servicemen of the Southern Command eliminated Yahya Sinwar in the southern part of the Gaza Strip,”the press office said.

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“In the recent weeks, the Israeli forces operated in the southern part of the Gaza Strip in accordance with the intelligence, which indicated the potential locations of high-ranking Hamas members,” the IDF press office added. “Soldiers operating in this area detected and eliminated three terrorists.”

“After the identification process is complete, we can confirm that Sinwar was eliminated,” the IDF noted.

Gaza operation doesn’t end

The killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar doesn’t mean Israel will halt its operation in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised address.

“Once again we have shown what happens to those who do us harm. Today I am telling you that Yahya Sinwar has been killed. But the war has not ended with this elimination. Evil has been dealt a crushing blow, but our mission is not yet complete,” he said. “Hamas will no longer rule Gaza,” the prime minister went on to say.

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The operation will continue with full might until the release of the hostages that are held by radicals, Netanyahu pledged. He said radicals that release hostages and lay down their weapons will be allowed to live.

According to the prime minister, the killing of Sinwar marks the beginning of the last days of Hamas.

Biden congratulates Netanyahu

US President Joe Biden called Netanyahu from his plane to congratulate the prime minister with the elimination of Sinwar, the Israeli Prime Minister’s office said.

“The President of the United States praised the Israel Defense Force for the excellent operation,” the Prime Minister’s Office said.

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Netanyahu and Biden “agreed that an opportunity has emerged to accelerate the liberation of hostages,” held captive in the Gaza Strip, and agreed “to work together in order to achieve this goal,” the Office added.

US provided Israel with intelligence

The US Department of Defense said American forces were not directly engaged in the operation to eliminate Hamas leader, but provided Israel with intelligence about the location of the group’s top members.

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“This was an Israeli operation. There was no US forces directly involved. The United States has helped to contribute information and intelligence as it relates to hostage recovery and the tracking and locating of Hamas leaders who have been responsible for holding hostages, and so certainly that contributes, in general, to the picture,” Pentagon Spokesman Patrick Ryder said.

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He referred questions about the details of the operation to Israel.


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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