Oxford Academic: Fatal TURBO-CANCERS Even inside HEART after COVID VACCINES! New Chilling European Study on Malignant Pericardial Effusions linked to Fast Metastases

Oxford Academic: Fatal TURBO-CANCERS Even inside HEART after COVID VACCINES! New Chilling European Study on Malignant Pericardial Effusions linked to Fast Metastases


Cardiac Organ and Immune System: The Main Targets of Adverse Reactions from mRNA Vaccines

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


There are no more doubts! Dozens and dozens of medical studies published in the most authoritative scientific journals in the world (even those that initially defended the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines) confirm that the heart and the immune system are the main target-organs of adverse reactions from mRNA genetic serums (or less widespread mDNA).

In September 2023, the European Medicines Agency (EMA, the European Union’s drug regulatory body), was forced to admit a correlation between Covid vaccines and lethal myocarditis (inflammation of the middle wall of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the external cardiac membrane).

Myocarditis: Massacre after mRNA Vaccines! Other 28 Deaths Confirmed by Autopsies (Study), 18,000 Adverse Reactions, 10,000 Mysterious Heart Attacks

And Big Pharma Pfizer-Niontech and Moderna were forced to include these serious pathologies among the side effects, always minimized despite disturbing and hidden trial data.

While even a recent study published by an American laboratory funded by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US drug regulatory body, confirmed the risk of turbo-cancer due to DNA fragments released excessively by mRNA genetic serums.

BOMBSHELL on CANCER from mRNA! FDA Study Confirms DNA CONTAMINATION 470 x Higher in Covid-19 vaccines. As Florida General Surgeon Unveiled

This is in addition to the damage caused to the immune system with very high oncogenic risks by 1-methylpseudouridine, which we call the “diabolical Frankenstein molecule” because it is manipulated twice through a process of genetic biochemical alteration in order to make it capable of deceiving the defenses immune allowing cells to incorporate the mRNA messenger carried by lipid nanoparticles (NLP), dangerous because they are highly inflammatory especially for the heart, instead of destroying it by recognizing it as a foreign body.

The New Explosive British Study published by European Society of Cardiology

Now a research published by the European Heart Journal not only reiterates these problems but reveals that in the cardiac organ itself there have been disturbing cases of Heart-breaking tumors, with a series of cases of malignant pericardial effusion associated with metastases.

The Explosive new study – link in the sources

This study, associating turbo-cancer with cardiac damage, represents the scientific evidence that confirms an investigation by Gospa News in which our collaborator Piero Angelo De Ruvo summarized three interviews with authoritative Italian doctors who are authors of studies on this type of lethal adverse reactions.

The study “Heart-breaking tumors: a case series of malignant pericardial effusion” has as its first signatory dr. Syarifah Syafiqah Wan Muhamad Hatta, Department of Cardiology, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Walsall, UK, and was published in the journal of the ESC (European Society of Cardiology) under the aegis of Oxford Academic.

Dr Syafiqah Hatta is in her final year of training in Internal Medicine at West Midlands, UK

The first to summarize the technical aspects was the well-known American epidemiologist Nicolas Hulsher who was the architect of a chilling study based on 326 autopsies of people killed by vaccines and who then published a disruptive article highlighting that the damage from Covid vaccines with the new mRNA biotechnology (now increased in the new self-replicating genetic serums sa-mRNA just approved by the European Union) have caused more victims than the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.

«As this study indicates, rapidly progressing fatal cancers shortly following COVID-19 mRNA injection are real, not “disinformation” as the mass media suggests. A growing body of evidence suggests that COVID-19 mRNA injections are likely carcinogenic and have contributed to the alarming rise in cancer rates» Hulsher concluded lapidary. Read all details in his article below.

TURBO-CANCER, HEARTBREAK & TOXIC SPIKE. Lethal Risks from Covid mRNA Vaccines: Exclusive Interviews with 3 World-Famous Italian MD

«Malignant pericardial effusions are often linked to metastases from solid tumours, such as those in the lung or breast, or haematological diseases. Primary cardiac tumours are rare (…) In Case 1, a 49-year-old Black African male presented with chest pain and breathlessness after a COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-Biontech – ed). Initially treated for pericarditis, he returned with worsening symptoms. Echocardiography revealed pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. Imaging confirmed a right atrial mass diagnosed as malignant biphasic mesothelioma. He died 4 months after diagnosis»

We can read in the Abstract of Hatta et al. research…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
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CANCERS from mRNA Vaccines: Fukushima Study CENSORED after “REUTERS Ban” due to Lurid PARTNERSHIP with PFIZER

NEW STUDY – Fatal Malignant Cardiac Tumors Following COVID-19 mRNA Injection

by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH – Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation

All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added in the aftermath by virtue of the ties with the topics covered

The study titled, Heart-breaking tumors: a case series of malignant pericardial effusion, was recently published in European Heart Journal – Case Reports:


Malignant pericardial effusions are often linked to metastases from solid tumours, such as those in the lung or breast, or haematological diseases. Primary cardiac tumours are rare, occurring in only 0.02% of cases, with pericardial tumours comprising 6.7%–12.8% of all primary cardiac tumours.

Serious Inflammatory Muscular Disorders after mRNA Vaccines. Korean Study confirms Segalla and McCullough Alarms. On Heart Dangers too

Case summary

In Case 1, a 49-year-old Black African male presented with chest pain and breathlessness after a COVID-19 vaccine. Initially treated for pericarditis, he returned with worsening symptoms. Echocardiography revealed pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. Imaging confirmed a right atrial mass diagnosed as malignant biphasic mesothelioma. He died 4 months after diagnosis. In Case 2, a 43-year-old Caucasian male developed breathlessness and fever post-COVID-19 vaccine. Imaging identified a large posterior pericardial mass, later diagnosed as synovial sarcoma. Chemotherapy yielded minor tumour reduction, but he succumbed to his illness, spending his final days in a hospice.

SCANDALl! Pfizer Knew very Soon that its Covid mRNA Vaccine caused Heart Damage on Kids. But has Used them as Guinea-Pig


Initial clinical signs are critical in determining the origin of pericardial effusion. Malignancy should be suspected in cases with cardiac tamponade, unexplained haemorrhagic pericardial fluid, or recurrent symptoms. Negative cytology warrants further investigation with advanced imaging or biopsy to improve diagnostic sensitivity.

Diagnosing rare tumours involves multiple imaging modalities, fluid analysis, biopsies, and an interdisciplinary approach, with pathological analysis being the gold standard. Treatment remains challenging due to the rapid progression of these tumours, with surgery often not feasible. A multi-pronged diagnostic approach is crucial, and clinicians must maintain suspicion for malignancy in persistent pericardial effusion cases, even in the context of other potential confounding factors.

Rapidly progressing fatal cancers shortly following COVID-19 mRNA injection

As this study indicates, rapidly progressing fatal cancers shortly following COVID-19 mRNA injection are real, not “disinformation” as the mass media suggests. A growing body of evidence suggests that COVID-19 mRNA injections are likely carcinogenic and have contributed to the alarming rise in cancer rates:

  1. Analysis of CDC data: Excess cancer mortality up 9% since mass mRNA injection campaign (99,530 excess cancer deaths since early 2021).

  1. SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis: COVID-19 mRNA injections may create a pro-tumorigenic milieu by promoting inflammation, immune dysregulation, and genome instability, all of which align with the “hallmarks of cancer” proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg. The potential for vaccine-induced lymphopenia, activation of oncogenic pathways, and alteration of tumor suppressor mechanisms could predispose certain individuals to cancer progression, recurrence, or metastasis. Given the exclusion of cancer patients from pivotal vaccine trials, this study highlights the urgent need to assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on cancer biology and tumor registries to guide public health recommendations.
  1. Fatal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma following coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: an intertwined case
  1. Primary Cutaneous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in a Rare Location With an Immune Response to a BNT162b2 Vaccine: A Case Report

Scandal over Stockholm University for a “Banned” Study on Turbo-Cancer linked to Covid Vaccines

In conclusion, this case series and emerging evidence strongly suggest a link between COVID-19 mRNA injections and the rapid onset of aggressive cancers, coined ‘turbo cancers’. Given the alarming rise in cancer rates and the possibility of a pro-tumorigenic effect, an immediate moratorium on COVID-19 mRNA injections is warranted. Public health authorities must act swiftly to protect population safety and uphold medical integrity.

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH – Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation

Article originally published on Substack Focal Points of Courageous Discourse founded by cardiologist Peter McCullough


EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL – Heart-breaking tumours: a case series of malignant pericardial effusion



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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