SARS-2: for defending “Bilderberg’s Fake News” Italian Govt Blames Russia wich Helps It

SARS-2: for defending “Bilderberg’s Fake News” Italian Govt Blames Russia wich Helps It


Italian Foreign and Defense Ministers,
Di Maio and Guerini censured
the Kremlin military spokesman
to protect the FCA newspaper La Stampa

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

versione originale in italiano

«Regarding the usefulness or not of Russian aid, it seems to us it would be better to first ask the citizens of Bergamo where our specialists and our means begin to operate. The parallel drawn by the journalist between the arrival of Russian specialists in Italy and the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan in 1979 is simply out of place and, as they say, “it is neither in heaven nor on earth”».

In two sentences, the Ambassador of Moscow in Italy hit and sank the premeditated aggression of the mainstream media against the arrival of the doctors of emergency NBCR (Nuclear Bacteriological Chemical Radiological) of the Russian army, agreed by President Vladimir Putin with the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to help Italy in the SARS-2 pandemic (CoVid-19).

The lowest level has reached La Stampa, to which the Kremlin diplomat’s response refers to the insinuations of a lack of use of the means and the suspicions of a Russian intelligence activity.

But the newspaper insisted on its “Atlanticist” editorial line with other articles so as to trigger the harsh reaction of General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Moscow and the subsequent reply by the Italian State that with a joint official note from the Foreign Ministers and Defense Luigi Di Maio and Lorenzo Guerini, intervened to protect the right of information in defense of a newspaper that is easy to call “Bilderberg Fake News”.


I have been a journalist for over 30 years in Piedmont, where La Stampa is most widespread (thanks to the provincial chronicles) but is nicknamed in the Piedmontese dialect “La Busiarda” (The Lier): an appellation that has earned for the servile loyalty to the powerful Agnelli Family (FIAT Automobiles) in over a century of history that began in 1867 after the cultural germination of Freemasonry in the shadow of the Mole of Turin, after the unification of Italy financed by the English masons and a few years before the armed assault on the Papal State with the Porta Pia’s Breach in Rome, every year still celebrated by the hooded …

I refused co-optation to a lodge proposed to me by a former director of the regional Masonic periodical Ipotenusa and therefore I have good knowledge about it …

Without citing these roots, it becomes difficult to understand why in the Third Millennium that newspaper cries out to scandal, with more ridiculous than serious and detailed insinuations, for the arrival of Russia’s medical troops: because this country is not only considered enemy by NATO according to a geopolitical canvas now obsolete but moreover he boasts of being proudly Christian for the imprimatur of the Orthodox Tsar Vladimir Putin.

It is therefore understandable the discomfort of a newspaper historically enslaved to the Masonic-globalist power of the former FIAT group now FCA: ended up at the center of judicial investigations for corruption that have taken place for 111 years and have culminated in the scandal ascertained in the USA by the prosecutors of the Department of the administration of Donald Trump.

FIAT-FCA, 111 years under trial: since Italian bribes until Us UAW’s labor unions corruptions and ties with brasilian military dictators

The American President of the Republican Party, so unpredictable and fool that he was also disliked by the NeoCon hard core especially after the removal of the warmonger John Bolton from the role of National Security Advisor, would be the Deep State’s first target in the alleged “biological war” of CoronaVirus, wanted by “hidden” powers to hinder his re-election to the presidential elections in November 2020.


Even the Metropolitan Cardinal of Sri Lanka, with experts and politicians from all over the world, said that the CoronaVirus is “a poison spread from a rich country” . This has credited the theory highlighted by Gospa News in 10 reports focusing on the indications of a bacteriological weapon built and used by a supercommittee of freemasons, politicians and bankers to speculate both on the health emergency and on the consequent economic crisis but above all to fulfill now centuries-old plan to impose the New World Order.

The obstacle to the realization of this project are Trump and Putin, whose clever geopolitical strategy has also revealed itself in the face of the SARS-2 emergency.

Let’s say one thing clearly: without White House’s placet the Kremlin would never have been able to send 15 giant Ilyushin Il-76 cargo planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed in the military airport of Pratica di Mare to Rome, in the nation where there are around 60 Us military bases.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

A new international political synergy between Moscow and Washington is therefore evident which has made NATO’s strategists nervous enough to induce Atlantic Pact governments such as Poland and the Czech Republic to boycott humanitarian missions in Italy: Warsaw with a ban on the use of space plane to Russian aircraft, Prague with the “seizure by mistake” of a load of masks from China.

The collaboration was further enriched with the sending of Russian aid in equipment and sanitary materials for 100 million dollars to the United States itself, where there are more than 200 thousand infected and the number of deaths has risen rapidly to 8 thousand.

St. Pio’ Prophecy on Christians’ homelands, NWO Rockefeller’s Abortion law and Masons war

In this new geopolitical scenario at the Deep State, traditionally Masonic, deist and atheist, the weight of an agreement between two statesmen not only authoritarian and “uncontrollable” but moreover, each in its own way, Christianity defenser, must not have escaped.

Putin is for the devotion to the Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church of Moscow, Trump only thanks to the influence of his vice president Mike Pence, expression of the Pentecostal Evangelical world, the face of the ancient Anglican church transfigured by the light of the Holy Spirit.

We have already seen in previous articles how Lutheran-inspired Protestants were a determining component in the birth of Freemasonry and how they are nowadays suited to ethical liberalism in a slavish respect for Modernism already theorized by the New World Order.

From Vienna to Malmo: LGBT and satanists’s show into the European Christian churches

The soldiers who landed a few steps from the Vatican – locked in the dark rooms of the lost Catholic Church and suspended in the antinomy between the Marian chaste tradition and pro-LGBT Lutheran progressivism – immediately became heroic rescuers in the eyes of the Bergamaschi and Italians who mourn dead relatives.

They have been applauded as blessed crusaders of a humanitarian mission applauded by various Facebook Italian social groups including Amici della Russia di Putin, the largest with 42,000 members.

Precisely this “chat”, of which I am honored to be an administrator, in May 2019 ended up in the sights of the newspaper La Stampa which even dedicated the second page of the national chronicles to it for blaming as a political entity created by Moscow to influence the elections for the renewal of European Parliament.

For the avoidance of misunderstandings, I repeat, today as then, that it is a team born between people who spontaneously, in the freedoms so far raityed by the Italian Republic Costitutional Chart, express their admiration to the new Tsar for the cautious and moderate management of conflicts by triggered in Syria and Ukraine by some NATO countries.


It is therefore no wonder that today the Atlanticist newspaper even attacks an emergency medical intervention, if it makes fleas to those Russian doctors who come to Italy from a foreign country defying the high risk of contagion that has already killed 77 their Italian colleagues and forced the Army to intervene in the province of Bergamo to bring the coffins into the crematoria.

It is the normal editorial line of a newspaper incorporated into the national media group of the radical chic left-wing: GEDI, the Spa of Carlo De Benedetti’s family which also controls the other Repubblica newspaper in which the Agnelli-Elkann FCA Family has entered.

It is no mystery that the genius in the lineage of the Gianni Agnelli FIAT tycoon, John Elkann, is a prominent element of the Bilderberg Group, the cumbersome consortium of businessmen and politicians who represents the best known face of the Mondialists. Indeed, Elkann is even a member of the Standing Committee.

And it is not new that the far-left movement of the “Sardines” in the Italian squares was supported by personalities precisely connected to the Republic, such as the masterist par excellence George Soros, notorious Putin’s adversary.

In light of all this, the insistence with which the Piedmontese newspaper in an attempt to get even a little national advertising among the powerful claims is clearly understandable, flaunts the black flag of worldism in regurgitation of anachronistic vetero-atlantism.

«We have paid attention to the incessant attempts that the La Stampa newspaper has been fielding for two weeks to discredit the mission of the Russians who have mobilized to help Italians in difficulty. By hiding behind the ideals of free speech and pluralism of opinions, the press is fueling Russianophobic cold war fake news by referring to “opinions” expressed by anonymous “senior officials“» replied the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov..

Spokesman of the Ministry of Defense major general Igor Konashenkov

«Despite the sensationalist suspicions of La Stampa, instead of conducting a biological war, epidemiologists who have come to Italy to fight the coronavirus together with their Italian colleagues are wiping out Covid-19 in 65 nursing homes in Bergamo. Russian military doctors daily side by side with the Italian military are building intensive care units to save Italian citizens infected with the virus in the new emergency hospital in Bergamo. And all this is done through the Russian instrumentation defined useless by the newspaper La Stampa».

Russian military doctors in action on March 28, 2020 in Albino (Italy) – Photo Claudio Furlan

«In carrying out this humanitarian mission, no aggression will distract us from the goal and will not make our security falter in the fact that we are acting in good faith. As for relations with the real clients of La Stampa’s Russophobia, who are known to us, we recommend that they make their own an old maxim: Qui fodit foveam, incidet in eam (Whoever digs the pit, falls into it). To be clearer: Bad penny always comes back» Konashenkov wrote in the statement.



But this conclusion of simple apotropaic admonition was indigestible both to the journalists of the newspaper and to the politicians of a globalist vocation of the Democratic Party who immediately set in motion their institutional representatives …

«Italy is grateful to Russia for the aid, but at the same time one cannot but blame the inappropriate tone of certain expressions used by the spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Defense towards some articles in the Italian press. Freedom of expression and the right to criticize are fundamental values ​​of our country, as well as the right to reply. In this moment of global emergency, the task of monitoring and analyzing the free press remains more essential than ever».

Replied with a joint official note Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini of the Dems (absent when the Russian contigent arrived at the Pratica di Mare airport) and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, formally still leader of the 5 Star Movement BUTnow become an obedient soldier of the PD militia in the Conte Bis government.

Foreign Ministers, Luigi Di Maio, and Defense Ministers, Lorenzo Guerini

«From the parts of the current tenant of the Kremlin they should know that in Italy, unlike other countries there is freedom of the press – said among others Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian Left-Leu – We have known for a long time what journalists risk in Russia, Europe is something else».

But by a sensational coincidence in recent days, the undersecretary for Publishing, Andrea Martella, another member of the Democrats had instead announced the imminent “witch hunt” against fake news related to delicate issues concerning the CoronaVirus.

In this sense, the counter-current philosopher Diego Fusaro, in an intervention on RadioAttività, had bitterly criticized the announcement of a sanctioning gag for the media, noting that this would have been very dangerous and harmful to the freedom of the press because «the power he decides from time to time according to his interests what is true and what is fake news».

CoVid-19. Wall Street Media’s Analysts Censure News on Russian Mission in Italy

Therefore “Bilderberg Newspaper” has the right to insinuate any wickedness against Putin’s crusaders who fight with purely medical weapons against the pandemic. While the Russian general must be careful not to quote Latin metaphors …

The curtain on the theater could go down with a sarcastic laugh. Because it could make you laugh that a spokesperson is not answered by an equivalent but a couple of ministers: if it were not that this leads us to reflect on the fact that in the deadly emergency these Italian Govt members have nothing better to do and say!

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization







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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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