WUHAN-GATES – 14. “Devil’s CoronaVirus: Western Plot Eliminated by GOD In Tanzania”. Christian President on BBC. His rival in Gates-EU Vaccine-Summit

WUHAN-GATES – 14. “Devil’s CoronaVirus: Western Plot Eliminated by GOD In Tanzania”. Christian President on BBC. His rival in Gates-EU Vaccine-Summit


You will not fear the terrors of the night nor the arrow that flies during the day,
the plague that wanders in darkness, the extermination that devastates at noon
Holy Bible – Psalm 90

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione Originale in Italiano

«I want to thank Tanzanians of all faiths. We have been praying and fasting for God to save us from the pandemic that has afflicted our country and the world. But God has answered us. I believe, and I’m certain that many Tanzanians believe, that the corona disease has been eliminated by God».

Full of overwhelming enthusiasm understood in its deepest sense (“divine transport” according to Greek etymology) John Pombe Magufuli, the president of Tanzania, declared the battle against Covid-19 in his country won during Holy Mass in a Church of Dodoma.

As a devout Catholic with two sentences he reconfirmed the holy alliance with the God of Abraham and Moses, with the faithful of Christianity – without confessional distinction – but also with those of Islam who represent over 35% of the population and were certainly grateful to him when during the emergency of the pandemic he kept Muslim mosques open like Christian churches.

But it also attracted the attention of one of the most authoritative and globalist networks on the planet: the BBC, the historic voice of the colonialist United Kingdom, which in ten days dedicated two important services to the African President, tracing a profile aimed at highlighting his unusual behavior and exuberant both in the emergency health management, culminating with the spread of a herbal drink with Artemisia successfully tested in Madagascar, and in the internal politics for the nationalist imprint that the mainstream media dislikes.

The profile so carved appears to the eyes free from prejudices that of a strong and pure diamond just emerged from the human mine of the Eternal Father which the philosophers of globalism criticize for the asperity, for the rough appearance; although the latter, since biblical times, is synonymous with sincerity and authenticity as he never ceases to teach the story of pastor David who became King of Israel.



The attempt of public discredit of the London network, therefore, turns into an effective boomerang for the benefit of Magufuli who is thus involuntarily projected towards a reconfirmation at the presidential election next October.

«It is Western powers that Mr Magufuli is most suspicious of, and he accuses local “puppets” – usually a cast of opposition politicians, rights activists and critical journalists – of championing the interests of their “masters”» wrote BBC.

UN SG Hammarskjold Killed Twice by DEEP STATE. UK Intel Hinders the International Inquiry

«This healthy suspicion sometimes fuels paranoia, which is strange for a president who has consolidated so much power. His nationalism has also turned illiberal and populist. He is squeezing the opposition, narrowing civic space, cracking down on the media and increasing surveillance» Tanzanian analyst Thabit Jacob told the British network.

But his citizens love him because he is truly a man of the people: as soon as he was elected he went out into the street to help the staff to collect the garbage and because after a long arm wrestling with the Canadian giant Barrick Gold Corp he brought to 16% the percentage for the Tanzania on the exploitation of gold mines, causes of disputes and even excellent massacres such as that of the UN Secretary General Dag Hmmarskjold, concealed precisely by the intelligence of His Majesty …

His people identify with him because he called the exploiting imperialists “beberu” which in Swahili language means “billy-goats” and in the language of common sense “obstinate ignorant” which actually are those who think of abusing the resources of the poor countries indefinitely and of people’s patience.


«You can fool everyone for some time and someone forever, but you can’t fool everyone forever» sentenced President Abraham Lincoln in 1858 before winning the American Secession War at the helm of the Northern Union and then being killed in one of the first Deep State plots between racist southerners, Freemasons and Zionist financiers as reported in our investigation.

Just to avoid “contamination” Magufuli has not been in a single official visit to a western nation since he came to power. Nor did he participate, as president, in the sessions of the United Nations General Assembly.



In unsuspected times, on April 20, 2020, when the SARS-Cov-2 wave arrived in Tanzania, Gospa News was among the few media to emphasize the true statesman’s Christian spiritual charisma in an article with an eloquent title: “Where science gropes, the Cross shines”.

Magufuli’s choice to ban gatherings but not religious services (obviously, however, with distances and quotas) to allow Christians and Muslims to pray to Yahweh and Allah for the defeat of the epidemic was contested by international institutions, was mocked by some media, ignored by many and highlighted by few.

CoronaVirus: Tanzania fights with Holy Mass. Churches and Mosques open. Where Science gropes, Cross shines

In the same period, however, in Italy the Government of the Democratic Party imposed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella while authorizing the Communist parades with the Red Flags in the square for the national holiday of April 25 still prevented Christians from going to Mass while maintaining a lockdown defined “Masonic” by the Catholic parlamentarian Alessandro Pagano, deputy group leader of the League in the Chamber.

Italy: Masonic Lockdown! Churches banned for Funerals. Squares Open for Kommunists. Mobsters freed

«”Coronavirus is a devil. It cannot live in the body of Christ,” the Tanzanian leader, who has a PhD in chemistry and is a devout Catholic, said in March» reported Sammy Awami, a BBC correspondent from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s main financial metropolis, verbatim illuminating detail: Magufuli is not only a believer, married and father of five children, but also competent in the matter by virtue of his studies!

This was not highlighted when a few weeks later it gained worldwide visibility having questioned the accuracy of the tests for Covid-19 because during a sample verification a goat, a quail and… a papaya also tested positive for the pathogen!

The director of the national health laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, in charge of the swabs, was suspended together with the quality manager, as communicated by Catherine Sungura, communications manager of the Ministry of Health.



The government, by diplomacy, did not reveal who had provided the tests but it was the World Health Organization itself, through Matshidiso Moeti, director of the international institution in Africa, who intervened to dispel the suspects thus assuming the authorship of the kits: «We are convinced that the tests […] are not contaminated by the virus. We do not agree with the opinion of President John Magufuli».

Dr John Nkengasong, director of Africa Centers for Disease Control (CDC), added: «Tanzania is using the same tests that all countries use. They are unlikely to be defective».

The “gossip-plotist” media jumped for joy and used this diplomatic incident to reiterate that the epidemic infection, despite the current estimates of 465,000 deaths and 8 million infected in the world, had been invented by globalist institutions for an humanity’s unknown global control-plan.

The mainstream media, on the other hand, dismissed the case as the bum of an exuberant president judged by themselves as also irresponsible for the issue of authorized Holy Masses. We briefly reported the episode in one of the many reports that aim to demonstrate the validity of the SARS-CoV-2 theory created in a laboratory as recently stated by a former British intelligence chief MI6.

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and Proofs of HIV Tests

Just to limit ourselves to being conspiracy-logi (or researchers of a conspiracy) and non “plotist”, we quote the phrases published by the BBC before demonstrating those suspicious coincidences that emerge every time something is deepened on this diabolical pandemic, repeatedly attributed to the devil also by Don Livio Fanzaga, director of RadioMaria, also convinced that it can be defeated with prayer.

«In at least two previous speeches, Mr Magufuli described Tanzania’s fight against the disease as “warfare”, hinting that he saw it as a “Western plot” – wrote British network – There are so many unbelievable things being done in this country. Either the imperialists have bought off the laboratory technicians, or they are not competent, which is not true,” he said».

«So many times, I have insisted that not everything that you are given is good. There could be people being used, that equipment could be used… but it could also be sabotage because this is warfare» stated the President of Tanzania both specifically on defective tests and more generally on pandemic management.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World Order Prophecy

He had been criticized for his behavior by the aforementioned African WHO contact: «In Tanzania we have observed that physical distancing, including the prohibition of mass gatherings, took some time to happen and we believe that these might have been probable factors that led to a rapid increase in cases there ».

On April 29, the last day on which the official data were released, however, only 509 were infected with 21 deaths, despite a discrepancy between those in treatment deemed 4 by the president and 66 by his ministry emerged in the following days. Discussing these numbers for a journalist living in Italy where there have been 34,610 deaths so far ascertained brings to mind Psalm 90 of the Holy Bible.

«My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust (…). His loyalty will be your shield and armor; you will not fear the terrors of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, the plague that wanders in darkness, the extermination that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall by your side and ten thousand on your right; but nothing will strike you».

Magufuli has in fact “consecrated” the country according to what the same prayer says, «in the shelter of the Most High» and «in the shadow of the Almighty» and has obtained better results trusting in Jesus Christ more than in the scientists ever so turbid and protecting you in not wanting to shed any light on SARS-CoV-2 (or Covid-19).

Stubborn as “beberu” in rejecting any study that tests the construction of the virus in the laboratory, if we want to be optimistic, evil and conscious accomplices of a plot if we want to be realistic …



The theory of the artificially constructed virus, then intentionally escaped or released, has already been supported and demonstrated by 15 biologists in 5 different researches. In particular, the insertion of HIV sequences, the deadly AIDS virus, was detected by 13 of them including the Nobel Prize winner for medicine Luc Montagnier and the geneticist engineer Pierre Bricage, NATO consultant.

Every authentic follower of the Risen Jesus Christ knows that the illumination of the Holy Spirit, from his descent on the Apostles on Pentecost, brings with him 7 very precious gifts: piety, fear of God, advice, fortitude, intelligence, wisdom and science.

This is why the «brutal pragmatism that leans on a particular world view of strong leadership» that the Tanzanian writer Elsie Eyakuze attributes to its president – and the BBC emphasizes – instead appears to us Christians a healthy concreteness of wise intelligence.

WUHAN-GATES – 11. HIV INSIDE SARS-2: Dangerous Experiments, Scientists Dead & Spies’ Ring in Canada, China and US

«I’m leaving, but we’ve brought this chuma [Swahili for a piece of iron]» said outgoing President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete referring to the word Swahili which means “piece of iron”.

«I want you Tanzanians to believe that you have a real president, a real rock. I cannot be threatened and I am not threatened» Magufuli echoed in 2018 showing that he knew the wars he was going to face well; but also how to deal with them by refusing the help of the puppeteers of the West.

As the BBC explains, not only Tanzania but a quarter of African states have not closed their borders to curb the spread of the virus. Among these Ethiopia: also became famous for having expelled the US Navy Naval Medical Resarch Unit, known as NAMRU 3, for the suspicious experiments just as Egypt did in 2019, forcing these bacteriological laboratories to move in Sicily, in the Naval Air Station of Sigonella, believed to be the main military station of the Central Intelligence Agency not only in Italy but throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

CoronaVirus BioWeapon – 7. NWO-CIA-DEM Top Secret Military Missions in Ukraine, Fort Detrick, Sigonella, Wuhan, Modena

The fact that the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to be hit hard by Ebola, the deadliest virus on earth, has also become disturbing and suspicious, despite having been included for several years in the epidemiological projects of USAID.

This American government agency for International Development was used by former President Barack Obama to finance the regime change of the Arab Spring and also believed to be a CIA military intelligence tool specializing in projects on “dual-use” research for ambivalent viruses that can be used as biological weapons or vaccines. What does all this have to do with Tanzania?

Kikwete con Gavi Vaccine Alliance a Bruxelles

Former President Kikwete has become ambassador of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance created by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation which, as Democrats donors, also financed during the Obama administration the USAID-PREDICT 2 project thanks to which extremely dangerous experiments were conducted on CoronaViruses in China, the US and Canada.

In this top-secret synergy between the best biological engineering researchers of the three countries there are scientists arrested for espionage and others mysteriously dead while they were working on military projects on the pathogens of SARS (Acute Respiratory Severe Syndrome), HIV and Ebola as written in the previous 13 WuhanGates reports.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

When the pandemic broke out, Magufuli, unlike us, he probably knew very well where his predecessor Kikwete had been on September 12, 2019, as we discovered only a few weeks ago.

A few months after the detection of the first official outbreaks (which new journalistic reports and studies anticipate more and more), the former president of Tanzania had been the first speaker of a round table entitled “Vaccines to protect everyone, everywhere: galvanize a global response to ensuring health, safety and prosperity through immunization” organized inside the Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels by the European Commission.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

This is the same political institution that independently compared to the European Parliament in 2004 funded the first dangerous experiments on SARS in the notorious Wuhan Institute of Virology at the center of world suspicions and subsequent USAID funding.


And do you want to know from whom the tests on Covid-19 deemed defective to the President of Tanzania were provided? From Africa CDC (namesake of the American Center Diseases Control who financed experiments in military laboratories in the USA) “in collaboration with the Chinese Jack Ma Foundation”. (read more)


full english version coming soon

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
no reproduction without authorization – original italian version









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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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