COVID-19, Alert on Sanitizing in Italy-EU. “Thousands Deaths due to Hospital Infections” claim Trade Unionist & Lawyer

COVID-19, Alert on Sanitizing in Italy-EU. “Thousands Deaths due to Hospital Infections” claim Trade Unionist & Lawyer


“Blame the reductions in Public Cleaning Contracts”
WHO has highlighted that if action is not taken promptly,
infections due to resistant microbes
will be the leading cause of death in the world in 2050

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Versione originale in Italiano

“There is a real silent massacre in Italian hospitals that has been going on for years now and that the Covid-19 pandemic has ended up making even more dramatic. Hundreds of people die every day in Europe from hospital infections, and what is most indignant is the underestimation of the problem and the relegation of cases of death from hospital infection to the series of inevitable side effects of care provided in hospitals”.

The disturbing alarm comes from the lawyer Sigmar Frattarelli of Alba Adriatica (Teramo, Abruzzo), a lawyer representing in the Supreme Court but above all specialized in medical malpractice cases. From Southern Italy comes his SOS on the now long-standing problem of hospital sanitation but joins the one launched in the North by the FISASCAT-CISL trade unionist, Luca Trinchitella, category secretary general for Eastern Piedmont, who also reveals the alleged cause of this very serious emergency raised in unsuspected times, in 2014, by a national conference of the union itself: the sanitation of health facilities.

The report of two professionals from different fields related to public health is merciless and shocking because it is based on incontrovertible numerical data and warnings from experts including the World Health Organization itself. Despite this, Italy, even worse than the rest of Europe, has not been able to run for cover for mere questions of economic savings on the skin of taxpaying citizens in a planet too often tormented by the scourge of bribes.

WUHAN-GATES – 10. SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)

Suffice it to recall the 600 million lire one received by the former Minister of Health Francesco De Lorenzo and by the former general manager Luigi Poggiolini (both convicted in criminal and civil matters) by Smith Kline, a company later incorporated into GlaxoSmithKline, the multinational of London (controlled by Bill Gates) which has increased the Italian turnover thanks to the 12 compulsory vaccines in school age imposed by the Democratic Party of the Paolo Gentiloni government with the Lorenzin Decree in 2017 and will also profit from anti-Covid-19 therapy with mRNA messenger of Pizer-BioNTech as it controls 68% of Pfizer Consumer Health in Italy and in other countries.

This digression was necessary to understand the colossal pharmaceutical business as opposed to the penalization of fundamental services as determined by the cuts on hospital beds and on healthcare management contracts.



“In the vast majority of cases, the death of a patient as a result of a hospital infection is treated and accepted as a fatality that cannot be avoided, while, on the contrary, in the majority of cases it is absolutely avoidable and strictly related to the gaps and to the inadequacies of our health facilities in the prevention of infections – explains the lawyer Frattarelli – Just think that it has gone from 18,668 deaths in 2003 to 49,301 in 2016 and Italy, in particular, accounts for 30% of all deaths due to sepsis in the 28 EU countries, a very unenviable record (about 15 thousand – ed). In the last twenty years the death rate from hospital-acquired infections has doubled for both men and women and in all age groups “.

(read more)



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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