Georgia Secretary of State Finally Admits 2020 Election Voting Irregularities in Fulton-Atlanta. Same Tally in 5 Batches of Absentee Ballots

3 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione in Italiano «They abrogated statutory safeguards against fraud that responsible observers have long recommended…

Camilla in Italy, Simone in Us: Two Teens Died after different Vaccines

3 anni ago

While in Italy the autopsy confirms that the 18-year-old Camilla Canepa had her brain devastated by a terrible hemorrhage following…

Cosa Nostra’s Mobster who Killed judge Falcone and Dissolved a Child in Acid Now Freed among Protests

3 anni ago

In the cover image the repentant mobster Giovanni Brusca between two of his 150 victims: the child Giuseppe Di Matteo…

Pharmacist who tampered with Covid-19 vaccines after claiming they could alter people’s DNA receives 3yr jail sentence

3 anni ago

Versione in Italiano A Wisconsin pharmacist will spend three years behind bars after pleading guilty to sabotaging hundreds of Moderna…

Porn Artificial Intelligence on Facebook Threatens also Children. An Italian IT’s Genius Revealed This

3 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Italian original version «Incredible! Facebook censors community posts, but is complicit in spreading pornography. It…