Covid, Shocking Claim by Italian Infectious Diseases Institute: “Risks of Confusion between seasonal Flu and SARS-2 Virus”

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano Once again Gospa News has hit the mark. In recent days,…

Iron Dome Israeli Air-Defence System received by US Army. Protests against Elbit in Balfour anniversary

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione in Italiano Two very intereting articles by Middle East Monitor about relationship between US…

MINNEAPOLIS REVENGE: Esper fired by Trump. New Pentagon’s Chief is Miller, former Green Beret

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione in Italiano Donald Trump's counter-offensive has started and the climate is night of long…

MEDIAs CROWN BIDEN PRESIDENT but Trump Not Give Up. The Gore’s case: president for only 37 days

4 anni ago


Armed Attack in Vienna: 4 deaths. The claim of ISIS Jihadists. New Lethal blitz after Turkish assault in a church

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano At least one video of those circulated on the net reports…

COVID-19 Increased. Seasonal Flu Disappeared. The science journalist: “Cases confused with SARS-2”

4 anni ago

ITALIAN VERSION HERE We have dedicated ample space to the explanation of the approximate reliability of the rhino-pharyngeal PCR swabs,…