Leading Iranian News Agency’s Website Blocked by Us “illegal move”. Cyber-war going on…

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO The website of the most important, reliable and followed Iranian news…

Trump’s Hell in Iraq. “Mercenaries kill rioters. Deployed Isis Fighters”. Shia’s rally against Us in Baghdad

4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO VERSION FRANCAISE ICI Until Ramadan in 2019, Iraq had become an…


4 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO After the constant tensions in the Persian Gulf and the arrival…

Boeing crash real video: big riddle about cybernetic attack and black box secrets

5 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio A new video, recorded by a surveillance camera, released by an Iranian media and published by…

Italy hugs Erdogan for Libya: meanwhile Turkish jihadists kill civilians and wounded toddlers in Syria

5 anni ago

Ankara wants the truce for Tripoli but in Aleppo Islamic terrorists violated again the ceasefire making another massacre of civilians…

6,000 ISIS jihadists freed: killings in Syria and Iraq, but Turkey arrests Christian priest for terrorism!

5 anni ago

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio There is really something crazy or maliciously planned about the military actions that are happening…

UIA flight’s in Iran really shot down by Tehran’s missiles

5 anni ago

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio UPDATE The Ukrainian passenger aircraft that recently crashed in Iran’s capital was brought down due…