Bus Crash: Massacre in Italy! Alleged Sudden Illness of the Vaccinated Driver (VIDEO)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO CON MAGGIORI DETTAGLI A tour bus veered off the road while crossing…

10 mesi ago

CDC Recommends Everyone Getting Flu and COVID-19 Shots Together Despite No Safety Data

in the cover image the Pfizer vaccine and CDC Director Mandy Cohen By Robert Kogon - originally published on The…

10 mesi ago

UK to ban Trans WoMen from Female Hospital Wards

In the cover image the rally during London Trans Pride 2022 UK Health Secretary Steve Barclay will propose barring transgender women…

10 mesi ago

British Oncologist’s alert on Cancer Risk: “mRNA ‘Vaccines’ must be Banned once and for All”

by prof. MD, oncologist Angus Dalgleish - originally published on Conservative Woman All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been…

10 mesi ago

Unvaccinated with Omicron Infection have Lowest Risk of Post-COVID Syndrome

by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH - originally published on his Substack All links to previous Gospa News investigations have…

10 mesi ago