CORONAVIRUS: In Italy New Drug is Rampant Even if it can Kill for Anaphylaxis

The synthetic antibody Tocilizumab has blocked pneumonia in some infected people but it can cause such severe liver damage to…

4 anni ago

Italian Heroes against ConoraVirus: Roberto medician martyr. Martina nurse in Hospital’s Trench

We stay As in autumn On the trees The leaves (Giuseppe Ungaretti – Soldati – luglio 1918) by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo…

4 anni ago

“An Herbal Drug may Help Prevent and Treat CoronaVirus”. Italian Pulmonologist on an old African Therapy Used in the Past vs TB

Interview with Ph. Vincenzo Soresi emeritus head physician of the Milan Niguarda hospital and former academic professor of two universities…

4 anni ago

Faith’s Great Meeting: Christian St. Francis and Muslim Sultan Melek

Through Bonaventura Legend and art masterpieces Assisi Friar's story in Holy Land... With ordeal of fire he conquered Sultan who…

4 anni ago

199 Dead in Iran and Italy, almost 6thousands Infected- WHO: “ Covid19 Very High Global Risk. It isn’t a flu”

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO UPDATE 4 MARCH 2020 WORLD - 3.198 dead, 93.090 contagious -…

4 anni ago