CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST: Tragedies, names, faces among 2983 martyrs in 2019. Massacres raised

Toddlers killed with missiles and suicide bombers Missionaries slaughtered with machetes African nuns beheaded, women raped and stoned Girls kidnapped…

4 anni ago

BATTLE FOR ITALIAN MONASTERY: Bannon’s sovereign Christian gladiators against LGBT globalist cattoKomunists

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ITALIANA ORIGINALE On the one hand there are the Judeo-Christian sovereigns who refer to…

4 anni ago

Other Christian Blood in Africa: young seminarian and 3 teachers killed by jihadists

Dear Friends, Do you remember the four seminarians kidnapped on January 8 in Kaduna, Nigeria? If three of them were…

4 anni ago

Nightmare Christmas for Silvia, Leah, Huma: Teens in the Fierce Jihadists’ Claws

Italian 21yo in the hands of Al Shabaab while Kenyan justice let kidnapper escape Nigerian 16yo detained by Boko Haram…

5 anni ago

Appeal to Pope for Huma Younas, 14yo Christian girl abducted by a Muslim and forcibly converted to Islam for marriage

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE ITALIANA The parents appeal to Pope Francis to intervene to help them bring…

5 anni ago