Christian religion

SLANDERED, JAILED FOR 400 DAYS, ACQUITED!!! Cardinal Pell Survided the Masonic Plot

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Cardinal George Pell's comment on the acquittal at bottom of the…

4 anni ago

IN THE MEMORY OF JOHN PAUL II: the Bright Rosary’s Pope

The last pilgrimage of Karol Wojtyla in the Virgin Mary Lourde's Sanctuary  Christ, thoughtful heartbeat. Saint, Saint who suffers (Giuseppe…

4 anni ago

Faith’s Great Meeting: Christian St. Francis and Muslim Sultan Melek

Through Bonaventura Legend and art masterpieces Assisi Friar's story in Holy Land... With ordeal of fire he conquered Sultan who…

4 anni ago

CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST: Tragedies, names, faces among 2983 martyrs in 2019. Massacres raised

Toddlers killed with missiles and suicide bombers Missionaries slaughtered with machetes African nuns beheaded, women raped and stoned Girls kidnapped…

4 anni ago

BATTLE FOR ITALIAN MONASTERY: Bannon’s sovereign Christian gladiators against LGBT globalist cattoKomunists

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ITALIANA ORIGINALE On the one hand there are the Judeo-Christian sovereigns who refer to…

4 anni ago

Other Christian Blood in Africa: young seminarian and 3 teachers killed by jihadists

Dear Friends, Do you remember the four seminarians kidnapped on January 8 in Kaduna, Nigeria? If three of them were…

4 anni ago