Africa CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Jihadist demons spree: 11 Christians beheaded in Nigeria. Blast-massacre of students in Mogadishu: 90 dead Fabio G.C. Carisio 28 Dicembre 2019 0
Africa China - Asia - Oceania Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Nightmare Christmas for Silvia, Leah, Huma: Teens in the Fierce Jihadists’ Claws Fabio G.C. Carisio 26 Dicembre 2019 2
China - Asia - Oceania CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Persecuted Christians: Christmas Masses canceled in India and Iraq Fabio G.C. Carisio 24 Dicembre 2019 0
Africa CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Christians persecuted: jihadists’ carnages with kids’ kidnapping in Africa. On Christmas Bethlehem forbidden for Gaza’s faithful by Bibi Fabio G.C. Carisio 15 Dicembre 2019 0
China - Asia - Oceania Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Appeal to Pope for Huma Younas, 14yo Christian girl abducted by a Muslim and forcibly converted to Islam for marriage Fabio G.C. Carisio 14 Dicembre 2019 0
Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Minors - Gender - Pedophilia From Vienna to Malmo: LGBT and satanists’s show into the European Christian churches Fabio G.C. Carisio 6 Dicembre 2019 11
CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Syria WAR ZONES Syria: 76 leaders ISIS among Turkish mercenaries, also killers of Us ranger Kassig and activist Hevrin. Priest murdered Fabio G.C. Carisio 11 Novembre 2019 10
CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED HEALTH - SCIENCE - BIOETHICS Italy The heart-sick child stolen from mother and stuffed with antipsychotic drugs by Italian State Fabio G.C. Carisio 11 Novembre 2019 2
CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Russia Syria United States - Canada WAR ZONES Syria: the false Erdogan’s cease-fire and the Pence’s lies that forget Christians killed Fabio G.C. Carisio 18 Ottobre 2019 0
CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Middle East Syria WAR ZONES Sara, the martyr 10yo child in the Christians’ nightmare. Two dams bombed, Rojava without drinking water Fabio G.C. Carisio 12 Ottobre 2019 1