Corrupted File caused Flights System Outage. May be a “Souvenir” of 2020 Russian Hackers

FAA: “No CyberAttack Evidence” Introduzione di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Once again Gospa News seems to have seen us right…

2 anni ago

“ZELENSKY’s SATANISM!” Russian Spokeswoman on Orthodox Priests deprived of Citizenship on Christmas

On the cover image the Ukrainian president Zelensky and the Russia Spokeswoman Zakharova ITALIAN VERSION WITH CHRISTIAN APOCALYPTICAL ANALYSIS (English…

2 anni ago

IN MEMORY OF ASHLI: Killed in Capitol Hill and Forgotten! US have to Defend Iranian Rioters & Cop-Killers…

On the cover image the Iranian killer hanged Majidreza Rahnavard and the American veteran Ashli Babbit killed in Capitol Hill…

2 anni ago