New Zealand Government to Pay Doctors to Euthanise Covid-19 Patients

by The Daily Exposé Recently, the New Zealand government announced that patients admitted to hospital for severe cases of Covid-19…

3 anni ago

Vaccine Mandate Exemption Request promoted by a Hare Krsna Movement Fellow

by Jason Walter Originally published by Prabhupada News My vaccine mandate exemption request. Jaya Sri Krsna !!! Hare Krsna Prabhupadanugas…

3 anni ago

UK journalist Imprisoned then Banned from EU after working in northeast Syria for RIC

Introduction by Fabio G.C. Carisio We are very sad in publishing this disturbing history about one of the great reporter…

3 anni ago

update – Capitol Hill Attack: House Voted for Criminal Prosecution to Mark Meadows, Trump’s Staff Chief

Introduction by Fabio G.C. Carisio We republish this detailed article by The Guardian to make Trump fans understand what direction…

3 anni ago

Pfizer, Big Pharma Ramp Up Lobbying to Sink Law Aimed at Protecting Whistleblowers

by The Defender Pfizer and other pharmaceutical industry players are stepping up lobbying efforts in hope of defeating proposed legislation…

3 anni ago

TOTALITARIANISM, FEAR, PSYOP OF MASS’ HYPNOSIS. For Forcing Parents in Vaccinating their Sons

On the cover, the cartoon by Australian cartoonist Michael Leunig, forced to leave his position on the editorial page of…

3 anni ago