Several Weeks behind Bars: Harsh Penalties mulled for those Resisting Compulsory Vaccination in Austria

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO by Russia Today People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might…

3 anni ago

RUSSIA-GATE PLOT: All Roads Lead to Hillary Clinton Campaign, As Steele Dossier Source Charged With Lying,

By Sputnik Internationa Igor Danchenko, a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele, was arrested on 4 November in Northern…

3 anni ago

Biden Hides Secrets on JFK Assassination. Delayed the Release of Sealed Records. RFK jr: “Outrage against American Democracy”

On the cover the president Joseph Biden and John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas before assassination Versione originale in Italiano Once…

3 anni ago

Here’s how Zuckerberg Bought the US elections. To make Biden win against Trump $ 400 million at the Electoral Offices

Versione in Italiano The scoop of The Federalist newspaper, focused on investigations concerning the American government and government agencies, rips…

3 anni ago