Italy: Masonic Lockdown! Churches banned for Funerals. Squares Open for Kommunists. Mobsters freed

The League parliamentar Alessandro Pagano stigmatizes the Ministry of the Interior who authorized "somehow" popular gatherings for April 25th but…

4 anni ago

WUHAN-GATES – 4. “Covid-19 manipulated, CHINA-US Hidden Affair”. Class-Action for Bio-Weapon in Texas

French virologist Nobel for Medicine confirms HIV insertions in the virus and reveals: "Washington financed Wuhan" An Indian lawyer appeals…

4 anni ago

SLANDERED, JAILED FOR 400 DAYS, ACQUITED!!! Cardinal Pell Survided the Masonic Plot

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Cardinal George Pell's comment on the acquittal at bottom of the…

4 anni ago