Saudi gets first major arms deal under Biden with air-to-air missiles

On the cover the AMRAAM missiles, Joseph Biden and Saudi Crown prince Mohamed Bin Salman Introduction by Gospa News Editorial…

3 anni ago

Ethiopia Declares State Of Emergency As Civil War Escalates Sharply – Revenge of Tedros’ Friends

As Ethiopia’s civil war continues to drag on, Tigrayan rebels are advancing toward the capital, leading the government in Addis Ababa…

3 anni ago

Here’s how Zuckerberg Bought the US elections. To make Biden win against Trump $ 400 million at the Electoral Offices

Versione in Italiano The scoop of The Federalist newspaper, focused on investigations concerning the American government and government agencies, rips…

3 anni ago

Pandora Papers Reveal Secret Owners Of Over 1,500 Offshore-Held UK Properties Worth Billions. In Trafalgar Square too

by Svetlana Ekimenko First published on Sputnik News on October, 5, 2021 VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The dossier of more than 11.9…

3 anni ago

All Facebook’s Social in BlackOut! Big Incident or Hackers Attack to the Mainstream-Spy Platform?

On the cover the founder of Facebook (owner of WhatsApp and Instagram) Mark Zuckerberg Versione in Italiano UPDATE Facebook said…

3 anni ago