COVID-19 Increased. Seasonal Flu Disappeared. The science journalist: “Cases confused with SARS-2”

ITALIAN VERSION HERE We have dedicated ample space to the explanation of the approximate reliability of the rhino-pharyngeal PCR swabs,…

4 anni ago

So France and Italy Helped Jihadists. Notre Dame Slaughterer arrived in Lampedusa with Migrant’s Boats

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano In front of three people murdered and another killed a few…

4 anni ago

Riots in Naples for Covid-19 Curfew and Looming Lockdown in Italy. Call to Security & Military Briefings

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano The anger against the curfew adopted by the Campania Region and…

4 anni ago

COVID-19, Trump in Walter Reed Military Hospital. Hit by virus after had blamed Deep State for the Pandemic’s Plot

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano US President Donald Trump, who has Covid-19, is to be taken…

4 anni ago

Navalny is Working for Cia: Kremlin makes Explosive Allegation after Fake-Poisoning

Versione in Italiano I wrote some weeks ago supecting that the anti-Putin oppositor Navalny was a Deep State agent, now…

4 anni ago

Moscow confirmed (update): Turkey recruited Syrian Jihadists to fight Christian Armenians for Azerbaijan

Update on September, 30 by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio «According to incoming reports, militants from illegal armed units are being…

4 anni ago

Link University, CIA’s Agents Factory in Rome amidst Scandals: ObamaGate and Easy Degrees for Cops

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano Senior army officers, national intelligence officials, CIA analysts and even Israeli…

4 anni ago