It’s raining again! Another fallen bridge in Italian highways. Viaduct’s security: open investigations

Ponte Morandi Victims Committee: "We ask for the Government's serious commitment and the reversal of course towards justice " The…

5 anni ago

FIAT-FCA, 111 years under trial: since Italian bribes until Us UAW’s labor unions corruptions and ties with brasilian military dictators

ITALIAN ORIGINAL VERSION by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio John Elkann was appointed to drive Fiat by his grandfather Giovanni Agnelli…

5 anni ago

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio All the tricks between US politics and intelligence in Rome, Washington and Kiev up to…

5 anni ago

He declared himself an Afghan minor to avoid repatriation, then killed the 87yo neighbor who helped him

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ITALIANA QUI The story of Mohammed is exemplary not only to describe the wicked…

5 anni ago

The Erdogan’s genocide continues: blessed by Christian, Jewish and Islamic religious heads

Even after the Russia-Turkey agreement jihadist mercenaries armed from Ankara carry on the fighting against Kurds. The Pontiff's missionaries approve…

5 anni ago

UKRAINEGATE: an investigative “memo” accuses Joe Biden and John Kerry too. Reopened the inquiry

An important prosecutor's document shows the ties of Democratic politicians with Burisma In which was payed millions to Biden's son…

5 anni ago

THE BANSKY’S MONKEYS IN UK PARLIAMENT with the BoJo gorilla in the Brexit glassware

Amid the London “theatercracy” the masterpiece of misterious artist sold by Sotheby's for 10 millions pounds: the revenge for vanishing…

5 anni ago

Storm in Brussels: under investigations the president Von der Leyen and 3 next EU Ministers

The Legal Affairs Commission stopped the Romanian and Hungarian candidates instead approved the French Macron's ally despite being involved in…

5 anni ago

Ukrainegate: high danger for Trump, the Bidens and the Soros funds for Democratics

The impeachment about Kiev ties may disclose the Pandora’s vase and show the Biden’s son interests in Us weapons support…

5 anni ago