Belarus may invite Russian Nuclear Weapons into Country amid a growing Row with Nato

On the cover Alexander Lukashenko and Russian nuclear missiles by Russia Today Belarus’ leader has said Russia should deploy atomic…

3 anni ago

150 Scientists and Employees Out of Work after Gov’t Energy Lab refuses to Recognize Religious Exemptions to COVID Shots

On the cover the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee (US), operated by UT-Battelle Introduction by Gospa News Editorial…

3 anni ago

US GAS NIGHTMARE! Biden Taps Oil Reserves in Bid to Tamp Down rising Energetic Supplies Prices

by NBC News The Biden administration is taking the rare step of releasing oil from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve…

3 anni ago

Syria: NATO, UN are responsible for Turkish Use of Chemical Weapons. Swedish-Iranian Expert Dr. Mansoura Accuses

by ANHA The use of chemical weapons is considered a crime in many international conventions and treaties.  However, the Turkish…

3 anni ago

Russian Anti-Satellite Missile Launch Into Space ‘Dangerous’ US Govt Says. Debris in ISS Station’s Orbit: No Damages (update)

UPDATE «The Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Shoigu, has confirmed that it conducted a missile test that hit and destroyed an…

3 anni ago

US Naval Presence Off Russia’s Black Sea Coast ‘Clearly a Provocation’, EU Politician Says

Thierry Mariani, a French member of the European Parliament, has called naval maneuvers of two US warships off the Russian…

3 anni ago

US National Security concerns grow as Intel Communities see Massive Resistance to Jab Mandates

by LifeSiteNews Thousands of intelligence officers are bucking pressure to get the experimental COVID-19 shot in spite of rapidly approaching…

3 anni ago