Porn Artificial Intelligence on Facebook Threatens also Children. An Italian IT’s Genius Revealed This

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Italian original version «Incredible! Facebook censors community posts, but is complicit in spreading pornography. It…

3 anni ago

Former Italian PM’s Family Under Trial for Fiscal Fraud! Even due to Many $Millions arrived by New York’s Unicef…

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano UPDATE ON MAY,20, 2021 Matteo Renzi's parents, Tiziano Renzi and Laura…

3 anni ago

Too Many Machine-Guns and Bombs in Italian Farm! Police seized Suspect & Biggest War Arsenal

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio If in Italy there had not been the Gladio scandal, that is the operation of…

3 anni ago