Nightmare Christmas for Silvia, Leah, Huma: Teens in the Fierce Jihadists’ Claws

Italian 21yo in the hands of Al Shabaab while Kenyan justice let kidnapper escape Nigerian 16yo detained by Boko Haram…

5 anni ago

Five death sentences for Khashoggi murder. The Saudi consul acquitted and released

VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio UPDATE SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 The death sentence for 5 people accused…

5 anni ago

FIAT-FCA, 111 years under trial: since Italian bribes until Us UAW’s labor unions corruptions and ties with brasilian military dictators

ITALIAN ORIGINAL VERSION by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio John Elkann was appointed to drive Fiat by his grandfather Giovanni Agnelli…

5 anni ago

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio All the tricks between US politics and intelligence in Rome, Washington and Kiev up to…

5 anni ago

Lebanon-Iraq: Christian religious leaders bless US-CIA, Zionist and Sunni coups under CANVAS acts

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ITALIANA QUI "Each is subjected to the constituted authorities; since there is no authority…

5 anni ago