Africa CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Alleged Fulani Islamist Terrorists set Fire to a Bus with 42 Passengers in Nigeria. At least 23 Died Burned Alive Gospa News editorial staff 9 Dicembre 2021 0
Europe - European Union JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Syria United States - Canada WAR ZONES Weapons Lobby - Military Syria: NATO, UN are responsible for Turkish Use of Chemical Weapons. Swedish-Iranian Expert Dr. Mansoura Accuses source selected by Gospa News 17 Novembre 2021 2
Africa GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Ethiopia Declares State Of Emergency As Civil War Escalates Sharply – Revenge of Tedros’ Friends source selected by Gospa News 4 Novembre 2021 0
China - Asia - Oceania GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Turkey United States - Canada WAR ZONES Afghanistan, ISIS Massacres in Shia Mosques: Shadows of Intelligence Conspiracy. Terror Strategy to create Conflicts between Talibans and Iranians Fabio G.C. Carisio 16 Ottobre 2021 0
CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Russia Syria Turkey United States - Canada WAR ZONES In Syria ongoing War Crimes Allowed by NATO. Children Dead of Hunger and Disease. 400 Women Seized by Jihadists Turkish-backed Fabio G.C. Carisio 28 Settembre 2021 4
China - Asia - Oceania CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East United States - Canada WAR ZONES BIDEN’S DRONE KILLED CHILDREN IN KABUL. Pentagon Confirmed the Massacre Fabio G.C. Carisio 18 Settembre 2021 2
China - Asia - Oceania CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO CRIMES - MAFIA INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM United States - Canada 9/11: FBI Declassified Memo on Saudi Complicity in the Plot. But doesn’t Unveil Mysteries on Israel and CIA Covering Fabio G.C. Carisio 12 Settembre 2021 4
China - Asia - Oceania CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East United States - Canada 9/11 – The Avoidable Massacre Allowed by CIA. Helped Al Qaeda in Balkans, Obstructed FBI Investigations. Tribute to John O’Neill Killed in the Towers Fabio G.C. Carisio 12 Settembre 2021 9
China - Asia - Oceania GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Israel JIHADISTS - TERRORISM United States - Canada WAR ZONES ISIS KILLS IN THE AL QAEDA’s LAIR. 113 dead in the Double Explosive Attack “announced” in Kabul Gospa News editorial staff 27 Agosto 2021 2
China - Asia - Oceania GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Russia Turkey United States - Canada Exodus of Islamic Terrorism under Cia’s Nose! “Isis and Al Qaeda among Afghan Migrants”. Putin’s alarm confirmed by US flight to Qatar Fabio G.C. Carisio 25 Agosto 2021 0