China - Asia - Oceania Europe - European Union GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Russia Syria United Kingdom United States - Canada WAR ZONES Erdogan Alone with ISIS Mercenaries… NATO and HTS Qaedists Refused Deals for Idlib Fabio G.C. Carisio 19 Febbraio 2020 1
Africa China - Asia - Oceania Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Syria CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST: Tragedies, names, faces among 2983 martyrs in 2019. Massacres raised Fabio G.C. Carisio 19 Febbraio 2020 1
Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Russia Syria WAR ZONES In Idlib and Afrin’s Hell Toddler Dead for Bitter Cold… Or for Turkish big Fake-News? Fabio G.C. Carisio 15 Febbraio 2020 5
Africa Europe - European Union INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Libya Middle East Syria WAR ZONES In Libya 229 ISIS Fierce Leaders with 4700 Turkish-backed Jihadists. UN Investigates, Europe Sleeps Fabio G.C. Carisio 14 Febbraio 2020 9
China - Asia - Oceania Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Minors - Gender - Pedophilia Christian 14yo Raped and Forced to Marry by a Muslim: Court allows because she had Menses. Turkey wants Law “Marry your rapist” Fabio G.C. Carisio 10 Febbraio 2020 1
Africa Christian religion CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Other Christian Blood in Africa: young seminarian and 3 teachers killed by jihadists Gospa News editorial staff 9 Febbraio 2020 1
GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY INVESTIGATIONS - INTEL Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Libya Middle East United Kingdom United States - Canada Weapons Lobby - Military WEAPONS LOBBY – 4. UK and Italy in the hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder Fabio G.C. Carisio 23 Gennaio 2020 47
GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Libya Middle East United States - Canada WAR ZONES Breaking News: US EMBASSY, ALERT FOR TERRORISTIC ATTACKS IN ITALY Fabio G.C. Carisio 17 Gennaio 2020 0
China - Asia - Oceania CONSPIRACY - FREEMASONRY - NWO GEOPOLITICS - ECONOMY JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East United States - Canada WAR ZONES Soleimani killed, Boeing shot down, ISIS exulted: traitors’ shadows inside Iran’s Pasdaran Fabio G.C. Carisio 12 Gennaio 2020 2
China - Asia - Oceania CHRISTIANS PERSECUTED Italy JIHADISTS - TERRORISM Middle East Syria United States - Canada WAR ZONES 6,000 ISIS jihadists freed: killings in Syria and Iraq, but Turkey arrests Christian priest for terrorism! Fabio G.C. Carisio 11 Gennaio 2020 2