US: GREAT PROTEST AGAINST COVID VACCINES! Thousands of Sailors, Marines Remain Unvaccinated After Deadline

by Defense One Thousands of active duty sailors and Marines remain unvaccinated following Sunday’s deadline, putting their military careers, and…

3 anni ago

Belarus may invite Russian Nuclear Weapons into Country amid a growing Row with Nato

On the cover Alexander Lukashenko and Russian nuclear missiles by Russia Today Belarus’ leader has said Russia should deploy atomic…

3 anni ago

Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49yo Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot

On the cover Bobby and Amy Bolin by The Defender Versione in Italiano A 49-year-old Texas man who recovered from…

3 anni ago

Several Weeks behind Bars: Harsh Penalties mulled for those Resisting Compulsory Vaccination in Austria

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO by Russia Today People repeatedly snubbing Covid-19 vaccination summons in Austria after immunization becomes compulsory there might…

3 anni ago

Cash is on Its Way Out, Says Bank of England as It Pushes State-Backed ‘Britcoin’ Digital Currency

by Sputnik International The International Monetary Fund, the US Treasury, billionaire Bill Gates and major financial institutions such as Visa…

3 anni ago

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments

by The Defender A top critical care physician who filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk General Hospital over its ban…

3 anni ago

150 Scientists and Employees Out of Work after Gov’t Energy Lab refuses to Recognize Religious Exemptions to COVID Shots

On the cover the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee (US), operated by UT-Battelle Introduction by Gospa News Editorial…

3 anni ago