Nantes Cathedral’s Arson: African Arrested after Confession

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano Arrested on Saturday morning, 25 July, the diocese volunteer confessed yesterday…

4 anni ago

Turkish Intelligence transferred 2,500 Tunisian ISIS Jihadists to Libya. Egypt approves Army Deployement against

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione Originale in Italiano Great operations are underway in Libya both to show muscle in…

4 anni ago

Libya: Tobruk Authorized Egyptian Army’s Intervention. Jihadists Invasion’s Risk for EU

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO The civil war in Libya is about to become an international…

4 anni ago

EUROPOL Alert on Left-Wing Terrorists: 111 Arrests in 2019, Most in Italy

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano «In September-October we will see the results of this period of…

4 anni ago

Maxi-Bust in Italy for ISIS Kamikaze’s Drug-Pills. Business or Restocking for Jihadists?

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione Originale in Italiano «In 2018, the same financial police who made the bust in…

4 anni ago

Heart-Sick Child “Kidnapped” by Italian State: Republic’s President Refused to Help Mother

The fragile Ylenia, only 10 years old torn from mom for no reason now risks custody of another family “Truly,…

4 anni ago