Iran’s revenge starts from Qom. Thanks to Fordow’s nuclear bunker plant

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Donald Trump is a tycoon. An entrepreneur who became a business…

5 anni ago

LIBYA: arrived 300 jihadists Turkish-backed at 260 miles from Italy for $ 2,500 month

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO «The Turkish regime has found a new way to invest in…

5 anni ago

Jihadist demons spree: 11 Christians beheaded in Nigeria. Blast-massacre of students in Mogadishu: 90 dead

VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO The media and international institutions do not have time to mourn the 11 Christian men victim…

5 anni ago

Nightmare Christmas for Silvia, Leah, Huma: Teens in the Fierce Jihadists’ Claws

Italian 21yo in the hands of Al Shabaab while Kenyan justice let kidnapper escape Nigerian 16yo detained by Boko Haram…

5 anni ago

Persecuted Christians: Christmas Masses canceled in India and Iraq

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO QUI In Baghdad this year there will be no Holy Christmas…

5 anni ago

Christians persecuted: jihadists’ carnages with kids’ kidnapping in Africa. On Christmas Bethlehem forbidden for Gaza’s faithful by Bibi

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORGINALE ITALIANA UPDATE DECEMBER, 23, 2019 Fortunately, good news arrives for the majority Orthodox…

5 anni ago

Appeal to Pope for Huma Younas, 14yo Christian girl abducted by a Muslim and forcibly converted to Islam for marriage

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE ITALIANA The parents appeal to Pope Francis to intervene to help them bring…

5 anni ago