“Israel must leave the Golan”. The UN’s slap against Trump and Bibi-Briberies

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO QUI VERSION FRANCAISE ICI Israel must leave the Golan. The UN…

5 anni ago

“Racist sentences at work”: 20 Senegales workers “fired” in an Italian facility

«We need to bleach the warehouse» So the black employees were left at home Vercelli's City Council votes unanimously a…

5 anni ago

It’s raining again! Another fallen bridge in Italian highways. Viaduct’s security: open investigations

Ponte Morandi Victims Committee: "We ask for the Government's serious commitment and the reversal of course towards justice " The…

5 anni ago

FIAT-FCA, 111 years under trial: since Italian bribes until Us UAW’s labor unions corruptions and ties with brasilian military dictators

ITALIAN ORIGINAL VERSION by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio John Elkann was appointed to drive Fiat by his grandfather Giovanni Agnelli…

5 anni ago

Syria: 76 leaders ISIS among Turkish mercenaries, also killers of Us ranger Kassig and activist Hevrin. Priest murdered

Thousand prisoners of Islamic State released from Turkey in october 30 bombing attacks in november... by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio…

5 anni ago

The heart-sick child stolen from mother and stuffed with antipsychotic drugs by Italian State

The chilling story of Sabrina Soster who have now been prevented from seeing and talking to the invalid and cardiopathic…

5 anni ago

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio All the tricks between US politics and intelligence in Rome, Washington and Kiev up to…

5 anni ago