China – Asia – Oceania

“Many Side Effects Risks”. Japan Health Ministry Shoots Down Mandatory COVID Jabs

by Life Site News Japan’s Ministry of Health publicly rejected mandatory vaccination and any discrimination based on vaccination status. In recently updated ethical guidelines regarding the experimental COVID-19 vaccines,…

3 anni ago

Turkey Finance Minister claims US Federal Reserve is Owned by these Five families…

By Middle East Monitor  Turkey's Treasury and Finance Minister has claimed that the United States' Federal Reserve does not belong…

3 anni ago

New Zealand Government to Pay Doctors to Euthanise Covid-19 Patients

by The Daily Exposé Recently, the New Zealand government announced that patients admitted to hospital for severe cases of Covid-19…

3 anni ago

Vaccine Mandate Exemption Request promoted by a Hare Krsna Movement Fellow

by Jason Walter Originally published by Prabhupada News My vaccine mandate exemption request. Jaya Sri Krsna !!! Hare Krsna Prabhupadanugas…

3 anni ago

Death of a 26-year-old Man: “Myocarditis was probably Due to Pfizer Vaccine”

by Stuff NZ In New Zealand, the death of a 26-year-old man was probably from the heart condition myocarditis that…

3 anni ago