Europe – European Union

HUNT FOR NO VAX. In Italy Policemen, Doctors in the Viewfinder. In Austria, Vigilantes to Flush Out the Unvaxxed

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «Every morning in Italy a policeman wakes up and knows that he will have to run faster…

3 anni ago

“Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine”. 16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree with mRNA Inventor Malone

We republish a very interesting scientific article by Robert W. Malone, M.D. originally published by The Defender. VERSIONE IN ITALIANO…

3 anni ago

Covid Microchip Developer explains Why People Want Vaccine Passport Implant

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Epicenter, a Stockholm-based startup, unveiled a new way of carrying around a COVID vaccine passport – in…

3 anni ago

City hiring People-Hunters to Pursue and Fine the Unvaxxed

VERSIONE IN ITALIANO by Russia Today A city in Austria is looking for employees who will be tasked with enforcing…

3 anni ago

UK journalist Imprisoned then Banned from EU after working in northeast Syria for RIC

Introduction by Fabio G.C. Carisio We are very sad in publishing this disturbing history about one of the great reporter…

3 anni ago