
US ATACMS Missiles won’t Avoid Kiev Defeat but could Spark WWIII. Russian Plans vs NATO-Poland Nuke Scenario

In the cover image the mysterious successor of the Russian mobile nuclear intercontinental missile RS-24 Yars tested in the Astrakhan Region in…

3 mesi ago

Another Journalist Deliberately KILLED by Zelensky’s Terrorist Regime

Moscow demands international organizations condemn killing of Russian war correspondent VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Moscow demands that international organizations condemn the…

3 mesi ago

Israeli and Ukrainian Zionist Regimes systematically Target Journalists. Leg Amputated to one of them

From Gaza to Lugansk: many Journalists Injured in 48 hours by Gospa News Editorial Staff «Journalists Sami Shehada (in the…

3 mesi ago

UPDATE – Russia pounds Ukrainian Energy, Military-Industrial sites in 48 Precision Strikes. Ukrainian Army lost 3,000 Troops

Russian forces gained advantageous positions and repulsed 23 Ukrainian army counterattacks in the Donetsk area where the enemy lost over…

3 mesi ago